Hundreds of Teens Run Wild in Downtown Chicago in Social Media “Teen Takeover “

“Hundreds of teenagers stormed the streets of downtown Chicago, smashing car windows, attacking bystanders and sending panicked tourists running from the sound of gunfire.

“Where are their parents at, that’s my question,” a woman who identified as a Chicago native told Fox 32 as the unruly scene played out in Downtown Chicago Saturday night.

Fox 32 cameras captured video of teenagers flooding the streets while police struggled to restore order to the area.

Large groups of teens were seen blasting music from Bluetooth speakers and spilling in front of traffic, with some attempting to gain access to the city’s Millennium Park, which is off limits to those under 21 after certain hours, and the downtown Art Institute.

Some teens in the group began jumping up and down on cars, smashing windows and attacking people inside. One woman told Fox 32 her husband was attacked from the driver side of his vehicle and beaten after a group of teens jumped up and down on the couple’s windshield. The man was transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Hundreds of police officers assisted by SWAT teams also descended on downtown in an attempt to restore order as gunfire was reported multiple times amid the unfolding scene.

Police were scene escorting frightened tourists back to their cars or hotels to escape the chaos, while traffic on Chicago’s Michigan Avenue ground to a halt as police attempted to restore order.

Police say a 6-year-old boy was shot in the arm near the Chicago Loop and a 17-year-old boy was shot in the leg. Both were transported to Northwestern Hospital and listed in fair condition, according to a report from WLS.

Fox 32 reported that the chaos appeared to be another “Teen Takeover” of the city that was planned on social media, noting a similar scene played out in Chicago last year.” (Courtesy

So, the crazy folks living in Chicago elected a new mayor who is more of a Communist than “Beetlejuice” Lori Lightfoot, and all hell breaks loose.

Well, what did they expect?

Here’s an idea to prevent this from happening in the future:

How about raising children in the way in which they should go?

I can remember a time when the majority of young Americans, regardless of their race, were raised to be respectful of their elders, and to recognize the fact that there are absolutes in the concepts of right versus wrong, and that wrong behavior has consequences.

We were also raised knowing the concept of personal responsibility for our actions.

And, if we had a problem understanding those concepts, an adult, whether it be a parent, a friend’s parent, a teacher, a principal, a church leader, as policeman, or a judge, would explain those concepts to us in no uncertain terms.

And, you could bet your last Hot Wheels that, if you got in trouble in school or after school while hanging out in the neighborhood, that we would pay for our transgressions when we got home.

Nowadays, we are experiencing the results of LBJ’s “Great Society”and a couple of generation of “latchkey kids”, “raised by the village” in which the Almighty Federal Government and Soros-financed District Attorneys have eliminated both the concept of moral absolutes and individual responsibility.

These “yutes” and their older “role models” who are acting like wild animals have been raised as such, literally abandoned by irresponsible parents to fend for themselves and to make up their own rules as they go along.

What we are witnessing, boys and girls, with these teenage flash mobs and the Marxist Anarchists who are tearing apart our major cities, is a Generation of Sociopaths, with no concept of morality, ethics, or personal responsibility.

They are doing what feels good to them…and what popular culture, which has become both their “god” and their “parental authority figure” has told them is cool.

Until Municipal, Community, and Civic leaders across the country show these young and older savages that they will face SEVERE consequences for their barbaric behavior, these violent attacks will continue…until several of these “useful idiots” wind up on the wrong end of a gun being held by one of their victims who just happens to have a Concealed Carry Permit.

And, then the parents and the community will have no one to blame, but themselves.

Until He Comes,


Pelosi’s Presumed Replacement Supports Reparations

“Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the presumed front-runner to succeed Nancy Pelosi as leader of the House Democrats, supports legislation to create a commission to study reparations for descendants of enslaved people, reports Fox News.

H.R. 40, authored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, calls for the creation of an expert panel to study the legacy of slavery and consider reparations for the descendants. The legislation has passed the Judiciary Committee, but Pelosi never brought it to the floor for a vote.

“The call for reparations represents a commitment to entering a constructive dialogue on the role of slavery and racism in shaping present-day conditions in our community and American society,” said Jackson.

Jeffries, if elected, would be the first Black man to lead a major party in Congress. He was one of the bill’s earliest supporters when it was first introduced in 2019.

Jeffries, during a hearing on the bill in the House Judiciary Committee last year, said a study was the least Congress could do for the descendants of enslaved people after generations of injustice.

“We’re not going to move on because after slavery, [there was] Jim Crow and the rise of the KKK,” Jeffries said at the time. “And the lynching epidemic. And Plessy v. Ferguson. And Black Wall Street in 1921 destroyed.” 

“This is a great country, we’ve come a long way, we still have a long way to go, we’re not perfect, but we’re marching to a more perfect union,” said Jeffries. “The least we can do is study these historic wrongs. That’s the least that this Congress can do.”” (Courtesy

The Democrats are in favor of reparations for Black Americans for the same reason that they want open borders and to give illegals the right to vote: they are BUYING VOTES!

The truth of the matter is that the Democratic Party has done absolutely nothing for Black Americans.

I’ll take that back. They have done something.

They have encouraged them since President Johnson’s implementation of “The Great Society” to let “Uncle Sugar” take care of them, assuring them that as long as they continued to vote Democrats into public office that they would be “taken care of”.

It has been those Black Americans who have broken out of the cycle of government-assisted poverty who have come to realize that the Democratic Party’s “benevolence” was, in fact, a boat anchor, tied to them to keep them from reaching the shores of self-reliance.

I was going to ask where the Democrats believe that all this money for all of this free stuff and “reparations” is coming from.

However, that’s easy: Hard Working Average Americans.

In the Democrats’ desperation to pander to special interest groups and to divide us as a nation, it is very evident that their main political strategy is simply to buy votes however they can.

Let’s face it.

This planned “study” of reparations is an act of Democrat Desperation just as AG Garland ‘s appointment of a “Special Counsel” to attempt to keep Trump out of the 2024 Presidential Election is.

They are both nothing but political grandstanding designed to pander to those whom they perceive to be their base: Far Left Liberals and special interest groups.

There is no need to hand out free money to the groups being pandered to by the Democrats for “grievances” which happened in the 1700s and 1800s.

None of this current generation nor the previous one of these groups carry any physical or mental scars from the grievances in question.

Democrats like Hakeem Jeffries, and the other members of Congress who are pushing for all of these programs desperately are fighting to keep black Americans on the Democrat Plantation, while being very aware that Joe Biden is the worst President in American History.

The Democrats’ desperation is palpable.

Their “agenda of reparations”, to be funded by American Taxpayers, is unconscionable.

And, just another example of the Democratic Party’s favorite economic strategy: over-taxing average Americans to pay off special interest groups.

Hard-working Americans will not support this.

Until He Comes,


Biden Blames “You Ain’t Black” Remark on Charlamagne tha God…”He Was Being a Wise Guy, and I Responded in Kind”


Someone must have handed Sleepy Joe Biden a second shovel. reports that

Joe Biden suggested Tuesday that Charlamagne tha God was also being a “wise guy” during their interview Friday when the former vice president made his controversial “you ain’t black” remark.

During an interview Tuesday on CNN, Biden acknowledged he made a “mistake” last week in making the comment, in which he referred to black voters who have yet to decide whether to support him or President Trump in the 2020 election. He walked back the comment later in the day, saying he should not have been so “cavalier” and acted like a “wise guy.”

However, the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee told CNN he wasn’t the only “wise guy” during “The Breakfast Club” interview.

“First of all, it was a mistake — No. 1. And I was smiling when he was asking the question. I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy to him. He was being a wise guy, and I responded in kind,” Biden told CNN’s Dana Bash. “I shouldn’t have done that. It was a mistake.”

The former vice president went on to insist that he has “never, never” taken the black vote for granted, saying he’s “worked like the devil for it and have to earn it every time.”

Biden faced swift backlash across the political landscape, from the Trump campaign to progressives who had previously backed Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

BET co-founder Robert L. Johnson said Biden should apologize to “every black person he meets.”

“Vice President Biden’s statement today represents the arrogant and out-of-touch attitude of a paternalistic white candidate who has the audacity to tell black people, the descendants of slaves, that they are not black unless they vote for him,” Johnson told Fox News last week.

“This proves unequivocally that the Democratic nominee believes that black people owe him their vote without question; even though, we as black people know it is exactly the opposite. He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every black person he meets.”

Considering the rate at which Biden’s mental acuity is deteriorating, he probably did not even remember what happened until Dana Bash brought it back up.

All Biden as the presumptive Democratic Party Nominee can offer Black American are rehashes of programs which have already been tried and failed spectacularly.

After all, it was Democratic Party Politics which lost Black Americans their jobs, broke up their family units, and put them in perpetual servitude to the State to begin with.

Back during the 2012 Presidential Race, the “Severely Conservative” Republican Party Legacy Candidate, Mitt Romney, stirred up a hornet’s nest by stating that 47% of Americans were receiving some form of Government Entitlements, such as SNAP, Welfare, etc. It didn’t really matter that he was absolutely correct. He was considered a rich out-of-touch, uncaring, old white guy, from that moment on. He was positively vilified by President Barack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mmmm), the rest of the Democratic Party, and their Propaganda Arm, the Main Stream Media.

Sound familiar?

Romney was attempting, rather indelicately, to make the point that, with this American Freedom that we have been blessed with, also comes the burden of responsibility. Romney was trying to illuminate the fact that American is still the Land of  Opportunity, and that “God helps those who help themselves”.

I don’t believe that the Republican Presidential Candidate was attempting to be malicious by calling out the 47%. He was merely trying to paint a verbal picture as to how the sense of entitlement, that is forcefully held by some Americans, and has been facilitated by the Democrats, had spun way out of control, becoming an immeasurable burden on American Taxpayers, and an immense anchor, holding our economy back.

It was that same selfish sense of entitlement that fueled the backlash against “Mittens” by America’s low information voters, who were certainly egged on by their “plantation Masters”, the Democratic Party, and their “Straw Bosses”, in the Main Stream Media.

Around that same time, the number 47 came up in the National Media once again, as it was reported that 47% of American Babies were being born out of wedlock.

To the Wayback Machine, Sherman!

Back  in the 60s, President Lyndon Johnson (whose big hand I once shook, at his ranch, as a little boy, after his presidential term) and the Democrats, brought forth a plan, called “the Great Society”. It was decided, in order to ensure that everyone would have an equal opportunity in America, that Uncle Sugar would step in to fill in the gaps.

Two seminal pieces of legislation were passed.

First, the Civil Rights Bill that JFK promised to sign, before his assassination, was passed into law. This Act banned discrimination based on race and gender in employment and ending segregation in all public facilities.

It also helped to cement in stone, minorities’ loyalty to the Democratic Party, which continues to this day.

The second bill that LBJ signed into law was the sweeping ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT OF 1964. It created the Office of Economic Opportunity whose stated purpose was to attack the roots of American poverty. A Job Corps was then established to provide vocational training.

A preschool program designed to help disadvantaged students arrive at kindergarten ready to learn, named HEADSTART, was then established. Then came VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE TO AMERICA (VISTA), which was set up as a domestic Peace Corps. Schools in impoverished American regions would now receive volunteer teaching attention. Federal funds were sent to struggling communities to attack unemployment and illiteracy.

What Johnson told Americans, as he campaigned in 1964, was that the establishment of this “Great Society” was going to eliminate the problems of America’s poor.

It had the opposite effect

The Great Society created a dependent class, which, instead of diminishing as it’s members joined the workforce, increased from generation to generation, relying on the federal government to provide their every need.

Uncle Sugar became Mother, Father, Preacher, and Doctor to generations of Americans. This “Plantation Mentality” continues to this day, encouraged by those who make their living off of the misfortunes of others…Democratic Politicians and the Owners and Operators of Numerous Shady Politically Motivated “Non-Profit” Organizations.

I know. I spent from January 2011 – June 2012 working in our county’s WIN Job Center.

While at this Employment Office, I was able to observe folks down on their luck, struggling to find work and survive in this economy.

I also saw American families whose existence living on the Government Dole had become generational.

It is these people whom the Democrats continue to hypnotize into believing that Uncle Sugar loves them, and is their only solution to surviving a stifling existence.

They are so, so wrong.

The strength and vitality of America does not come from the benevolence of a Nanny-state Federal Government.

As the greatest American President of our lifetime, Ronald Reagan said:

The nine words you never want to hear are:  I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.

Being enslaved to the Government Dole steals one’s ambition.  It takes away any impetus or desire to create a better life for yourself and your family, to challenge yourself to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and pursue the American Dream.  It makes you reliant on a politically motivated spider’s web full of government bureaucrats who view you and your family as job security.

I watched American citizens trapped in this web of government bureaucracy,  so numbed of any initiative that they once had, that they seemed offended that they actually had to prove that they inquired about three jobs that week in order to keep their “benefits”.  Others seemed puzzled that they had to search through the state data base and pick out a job that they wanted to talk to an interviewer about receiving a referral to, and weren’t just simply handed a job when they walked through the door.

Additionally, now there is a preponderance of Americans of child-bearing age who don’t have enough self-control, self-esteem, and moral turpitude to actually get married before they bring an innocent life into this world.

I’m not a bit surprised.

Welcome to the Democrats’ “Great Society”, which they are trying to recreate even as we begin to rebuild our economy after the Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic.

Before the pandemic hit, President Trump and his Administration were encouraging those trapped in a cycle of poverty to break free through self-determination and hard work which would lead to individual achievement and self-responsibility through a booming economy which saw black unemployment drop to historic lows..

And, that is why Democrats like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have been using the pandemic to attempt to recreate Johnson’s “Great Society”, which would lead to a resurgence of “Uncle Sugar” and a powerful “Nanny State” Government.

Thanks to President Trump’s Economic Programs, Biden and the rest of the Democrats were losing control of those Americans who used to rely on Democrats’ “benevolence” from cradle to grave…and they simply cannot allow that to happen.

It was that desperation, along with Biden’s dementia, that caused the slip of the tongue on Charlamagne tha God’s radio program.

And, now it is causing him to dig that hole even deeper.

Perhaps it is time for Jill to lead him back down to the basement..again.

Until He Comes,


Dem Desperation: Rep. James Clyburn Attacks Trump Economic Boom…Black People “Were Employed During Slavery”

James Clyburn

After this year’s State of the Union Address, Candace Owens tweeted the following…

Case in point… reports that

House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., downplayed the strong economic numbers among African-Americans on “Your World with Neil Cavuto” Tuesday, saying that black people “were fully employed during slavery.”

Clyburn made the startling comment following a discussion with host Neil Cavuto about whether he would back billionaire former New York City Michael Bloomberg if he won the Democratic nomination for president.

“I’m going to back whoever our nominee is. Absolutely,” said Clyburn, who has yet to endorse a candidate with 11 days to go before South Carolina’s presidential primary.

“Even with the things he has said about African-Americans? Does that bother you?” Cavuto pressed, referring to a series of controversial comments made in recent years by Bloomberg about ethnic minorities that have resurfaced during the campaign.

“Well, not as much as what Trump has said about African-Americans,” Clyburn responded. “Any time … that I go to the polls, I’m considering positives and negatives on all candidates. And I try to go with the one whose positives outweigh the negatives.”

Cavuto then brought up the president’s economic record, saying that he had “delivered the goods for a lot of African-Americans … with record-low unemployment levels,” prompting Clyburn to interject, “Come on, Neil” before claiming that the numbers were “not true.”

“I’m saying that the African-American unemployment is not the lowest it’s ever been unless you count slavery,” Clyburn said, later crediting Democrats and former President Obama for the economic numbers. “We were fully employed during slavery. So it all depends how you measure this up.”

Clyburn said he disagreed that African-American voters were content with how things were under Trump, “Because I go to church with African-Americans. I live with African-Americans. I’m the father of African-Americans.”

The congressman predicted that Trump would not match the support he had from African-American voters in 2016, when eight percent of black voters backed the president.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, boys and girls. reported on January 20th that

Black unemployment fell to the lowest annual level ever last year, averaging 6.1 percent in 2019. Black unemployment also hit the lowest level ever last year, falling to 5.4 percent in August.

It was exactly three years ago today, January 20, 2017, that I was sworn into office. So appropriate that today is also MLK jr DAY. African-American Unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of our Country, by far. Also, best Poverty, Youth, and Employment numbers, ever. Great!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2020

In December, the unemployment rate for African-Americans was 5.9 percent. While above the all-time lows reached last year, that is still lower than any time prior to Trump’s presidency in records going back to 1972.

On average, the unemployment rate for blacks was 11.6 percent between 1963 and 2012.

The gap between black unemployment and white unemployment also narrowed to its smallest on record last year. And unlike other times in history when the gap narrowed, it is narrowing for a good reason–black unemployment falling faster than white unemployment. In the past, the gap narrowed because white unemployment was rising rapidly.

House Majority Whip Clyburn is scared out of his $3,000 suit that Trump will receive a double digit percentage of support from black Americans.

The only slavery which black Americans have experienced since the 1960s is bought loyalty to the Democratic Party.

Back  in the 60s, President Lyndon Johnson (whose big hand I once shook, at his ranch, as a little boy, after his presidential term) and the Democrats, brought forth a plan, called “the Great Society”. It was decided, in order to ensure that everyone would have an equal opportunity in America, that Uncle Sugar would step in to fill in the gaps.

Two seminal pieces of legislation were passed.

First, the Civil Rights Bill that JFK promised to sign, before his assassination, was passed into law. This Act banned discrimination based on race and gender in employment and ending segregation in all public facilities.

It also helped to cement in stone, minorities’ loyalty to the Democratic Party, which continues to this day.

The second bill that LBJ signed into law was the sweeping ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT OF 1964. It created the Office of Economic Opportunity whose stated purpose was to attack the roots of American poverty. A Job Corps was then established to provide vocational training.

A preschool program designed to help disadvantaged students arrive at kindergarten ready to learn, named HEADSTART, was then established. Then came VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE TO AMERICA (VISTA), which was set up as a domestic Peace Corps. Schools in impoverished American regions would now receive volunteer teaching attention. Federal funds were sent to struggling communities to attack unemployment and illiteracy.

What Johnson told Americans, as he campaigned in 1964, was that the establishment of this “Great Society” was going to eliminate the problems of America’s poor.

It had the opposite effect

The Great Society created a dependent class, which, instead of diminishing as it’s members joined the workforce, increased from generation to generation, relying on the federal government to provide their every need.

Uncle Sugar became Mother, Father, Preacher, and Doctor to generations of Americans. This “Plantation Mentality” continues to this day, encouraged by those who make their living off of the misfortunes of others…Democratic Politicians and the Owners and Operators of Numerous Shady Politically Motivated “Non-Profit” Organizations.

I know. I spent from January 2011 – June 2012 working in our county’s WIN Job Center.

While at this Employment Office, I was able to observe folks down on their luck, struggling to find work and survive in this economy.

I also saw American families whose existence living on the Government Dole had become generational.

It is these people whom the Democrats continue to hypnotize into believing that Uncle Sugar loves them, and is their only solution to surviving a stifling existence.

They are so, so wrong.

The strength and vitality of America does not come from the benevolence of a Nanny-state Federal Government.

As the greatest American President of our lifetime, Ronald Reagan said:

The nine words you never want to hear are:  I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.

Being enslaved to the Government Dole steals one’s ambition.  It takes away any impetus or desire to create a better life for yourself and your family, to challenge yourself to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and pursue the American Dream.  It makes you reliant on a politically motivated spider’s web full of government bureaucrats who view you and your family as job security.

I watched American citizens trapped in this web of government bureaucracy,  so numbed of any initiative that they once had, that they seemed offended that they actually had to prove that they inquired about three jobs that week in order to keep their “benefits”.  Others seemed puzzled that they had to search through the state data base and pick out a job that they wanted to talk to an interviewer about receiving a referral to, and weren’t just simply handed a job when they walked through the door.

Additionally, now there is a preponderance of Americans of child-bearing age who don’t have enough self-control, self-esteem, and moral turpitude to actually get married before they bring an innocent life into this world?

I’m not a bit surprised.

Welcome to the Democrats’ “Great Society”.

President Trump and his Administration have been attempting to encourage those trapped in a cycle of poverty to break free through self-determination and hard work which will lead to individual achievement and self-responsibility through a booming economy which has seen black unemployment drop to historic lows..

And, that is why Democrats like Rep. James Clyburn are crying out for a resurgence of “Uncle Sugar” and a powerful “Nanny State” Government.

They are losing control of those Americans who used to rely on Democrats’ “benevolence” from cradle to grave.

…while President Donald J. Trump is MAKING AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN.

Until He Comes,



Trump Fights Fire With Fire, Calls Cummings “Racist” After Dems Accuse Trump of Racism All Over Social Media

Cummings-asks-if-DOJ-guidelines-kept-Trump-from-being-prosecuted reports that

President Trump ramped up his feud with House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., on Sunday calling the congressman “racist,” not long after critics had claimed the president’s initial tweets about Cummings were racist themselves.

Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon, “If racist Elijah Cummings would focus more of his energy on helping the good people of his district, and Baltimore itself, perhaps progress could be made in fixing the mess that he has helped to create over many years of incompetent leadership.”

He added, “His radical ‘oversight’ is a joke!”

The day before, Trump also called out Cummings, calling him a “brutal bully” for how he spoke to border patrol officials. Trump said the congressman’s Baltimore district was in “FAR WORSE” shape than the situation at the southern border.

That rebuke resulted in claims of racism from Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Trump hit back, citing claims of racism against Pelosi from some progressive Democrats.

The president appeared to be referring to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., accusing Pelosi earlier this month of “singling out” women of color. That was after Pelosi dismissed Ocasio-Cortez and her “Squad” — including Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley — as being more influential on social media than in Congress. Trump defended Pelosi at the time.

On Saturday, Pelosi stood by Cummings and the city of Baltimore, where she was born, and rebuked Trump, calling his remarks “racist.”

“We all reject racist attacks against [Cummings] and support his steadfast leadership,” Pelosi tweeted Saturday.

Trump responded, “There is nothing racist in stating plainly what most people already know, that Elijah Cummings has done a terrible job for the people of his district, and of Baltimore itself. Dems always play the race card when they are unable to win with facts. Shame!”

Later Sunday, Trump pointed out that “African American unemployment is the lowest (best) in the history of the United States,” under his administration.

Trump went on to say he was “Waiting for Nancy and Elijah to say, ‘Thank you, Mr. President!’”

Cummings did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Among Trump’s tweets Saturday, one included a video purportedly showing blight in Baltimore. He asked the congressman, “why don’t you focus on your district!?”

Cummings responded to Trump’s initial criticism, however, writing in a tweet, “Mr. President, I go home to my district daily. Each morning, I wake up, and I go and fight for my neighbors.”

He added, “It is my constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the Executive Branch. But, it is my moral duty to fight for my constituents.”

Why have the Democrats been trying so hard to portray a man who does not have a racist bone in his entire body as a “racist”?

I will give you a clue: it has something to do with the fact that he is not afraid to come after the Democrats concerning THEIR poor treatment of black Americans.

In the past, Democrats have relied on around 97% of black Americans to vote for their Presidential candidate.

This is why they are freaking out over Trump’s calling out of Cummings’ treatment of his contituency…and why the producers of Saturday Night Live tried to stop Kanye from wearing his Trump hat in front of the cameras last year.

America’s Far Left Democratic Party, including the Former President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mmmm) are still attempting what is known in both sports and military strategy, as a “misdirection” play.

While politicians and paid protesters shout about “equality” in front of every television camera that they can get in front of, at the same time, here in the real world, black children are being born into a situation which handicaps them from the start: the burden of an illegitimate birth and the reality of a fatherless home.

How many black children are being born out-of-wedlock?

Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and a mere 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders.

These Americans, unlike the majority of us, are growing up without appropriate parental guidance, i.e., no one teaching them “the way in which they should go”

What are the consequences of growing up without a strong Father figure?

How did the once strong Black American Family Unit get torn asunder?

Back in the 60s, President Lyndon Johnson (whose big hand I once shook, at his ranch, as a little boy, after his presidential term) and the Democrats, brought forth a plan, called “the Great Society”. It was decided, in order to ensure that everyone would have an equal opportunity in America, that Uncle Sugar would step in to fill in the gaps.

Two seminal pieces of legislation were passed.

First, the Civil Rights Bill that JFK promised to sign, before his assassination, was passed into law. This Act banned discrimination based on race and gender in employment and ending segregation in all public facilities.

It also helped to cement in stone, minorities’ loyalty to the Democratic Party, which continues to this day.

The second bill that LBJ signed into law was the sweeping ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT OF 1964. It created the Office of Economic Opportunity whose stated purpose was to attack the roots of American poverty. A Job Corps was then established to provide vocational training.

A preschool program designed to help disadvantaged students arrive at kindergarten ready to learn, named HEADSTART, was then established. Then came VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE TO AMERICA (VISTA), which was set up as a domestic Peace Corps. Schools in impoverished American regions would now receive volunteer teaching attention. Federal funds were sent to struggling communities to attack unemployment and illiteracy.

What Johnson told Americans, as he campaigned in 1964, was that the establishment of this “Great Society” was going to eliminate the problems of America’s poor.

It had the opposite effect.

The Great Society created a dependent class, which, instead of diminishing as it’s members joined the workforce, increased from generation to generation, relying on the federal government to provide their every need.

“Uncle Sugar”, the Democratic Party while holding power in DC, became Mother, Father, Preacher, and Doctor to generations of Americans. This “plantation mentality” continues to this day.

A few years ago, I worked at our county’s State Employment Center Office.

While at the Employment Office, I was able to observe Americans, both Black and White, down on their luck, struggling to find work and survive in this economy. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of “unemployed ” who came to this particular office were Black.

I saw Black American Families whose existence living on the Government Dole, had become generational.

It is these people whom Obama and the Democrats have hypnotized into believing that Uncle Sugar loves them, and is their only solution to surviving a stifling existence.

They are so, so wrong.

The strength and vitality of America does not come from the benevolence of a Nanny-state Federal Government.

As the greatest American President of my lifetime, Ronald Reagan said:

The nine words you never want to hear are: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.

Being enslaved to the Government Dole steals one’s ambition. It takes away any impetus or desire to create a better life for yourself and your family, to challenge yourself to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and pursue the American Dream. It makes you reliant on a politically motivated spider’s web full of government bureaucrats who view you and your family as job security.

I watched American citizens trapped in this web of government bureaucracy, so numbed of any initiative that they once had, that they seemed offended that they actually had to prove that they inquired about three jobs that week in order to keep their “benefits”. Others seemed puzzled that they had to search through the state data base and pick out a job that they wanted to talk to an interviewer about receiving a referral to, and weren’t just simply handed a job when they walked through the door.

Instead of moving forward, by exercising the self-reliance that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached so well, these people I saw, were content on being “taken care of” by Uncle Sugar, as if being held down by their own poor, miserable circumstance, was a good thing.

During the Obama Administration, racial division in American became intentionally exacerbated for the purpose of political gain and the results of LBJ’s “Great Society” became the lead story in every television newscast, on every newspaper front page, and on every internet news/political website.

The Democrats’ intentional psychological and economical limiting of black Americans’ opportunities in modern society as been repeatedly called out by President Trump.

That is why the Democrats are so upset about his calling out Cummings and why they, including Cummings, are so feverishly attempting to label the President as a RAAACIIIST.

And, after reading Cumming’s, Pelosi’s, Joe Lockhart’s, and all of the other Democrats labeling the president and Trump supporters as racist all over social media yesterday, I do not blame Trump for responding in kind to Rep. Elijah Cummings in kind.

The Democrats are not used to a Republican President who will fight back.

In fact, they do not know how to handle it.

The Democrats profit from a divided America.

Including those who are dead set in somehow ending the time in office of our current President, Donald J. Trump.

Which is very strange to me. You see, those who wish him to be gone have adopted the worn-out tactic of accusing Trump of racism, like Juan Williams of Fox News does on a regular basis, which is a very odd tactic to use.

The reason that I say that is because the National Black Unemployment Rate remains at an all time low.

The part of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s magnificent speech about “the content of their character” has been purposefully ignored by the Democratic Party and their minions for several decades, taking a back seat to their all-consuming quest for political power and bulging pocketbooks.

Dr. King’s call for self-reliance took a back seat to their self-serving agenda, a long time ago.

And, that resulted in the purposeful dissolution of the Black American Nuclear Family, a cycle of poverty, and an inability or unwillingness of some to take a risk and to break out of a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure perpetuated by self-serving politicians and “community leaders” who have made careers out of limiting the participation of Black Americans in the American Dream.

No American should be held back from working hard and succeeding simply because achieving the American Dream on their own does not fit into a political party’s self-serving agenda.

President Trump genuinely wants to help.

And, the “New Bolsheviks” of the Far Left Democratic Party simply cannot allow that to happen.

Until He Comes,


Memphis, Chicago, Black Lives Matter, and Bubba: The Consequences of the Rhetoric of Racial Division

th (65)A few days ago, a certain Former POTUS, who was once referred to as “The First ‘Black’ President of the United States of America”, “got real” with a bunch of protesters from Black Lives Matter, who would not allow him to continue a speech on behalf of his wife, who is running for Democrat Presidential Candidate Nomination.

Suffice it to say, ol’ Bubba ruffled some feathers.

According to,

Racial justice and Black Lives Matter activists based in New York say they question the sincerity of Bill Clinton’s statement at the NAACP last summer that the longer sentences in the 1994 crime bill were “overdone” after he clashed with BLM protesters earlier this week.On Thursday, after protesters interrupted Bill Clinton’s remarks at a rally in Philadelphia, the former president criticized the demonstrators and defended his wife’s use of a controversial term — “superpredators” — in 1996 that has been the source of protests in recent months.

“I don’t know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out into the street to murder other African-American children,” Bill Clinton told the protesters. “Maybe you thought they were good citizens—she didn’t,” he added. “You are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter. Tell the truth.”

On Friday, BuzzFeed News contacted a dozen activists based in New York, which will hold a primary on April 19. The activists said they now question the calculus behind Bill Clinton’s speech last summer, in which he said his administration was wrong for signing a bill that required longer sentences for many low-level criminals that did not justify their crimes. (“I signed a bill that made the problem worse. And I want to admit it,” he said then.)

Bill Clinton, they said, seemed to justify his wife’s 1996 usage of the term “superpredator” with the same rationale widely debunked by criminologists — a term she has apologized for and distanced herself from.

Tamika Mallory, a prominent activist and member of the board of directors of Justice League NYC, said the former president’s views are out of touch.

“Bill Clinton’s comments beg the question whether his apology — about how his policies as president negatively impacted the black community — was genuine or a campaign strategy to make Americans move past the devastation his administration caused,” she said. “What we saw yesterday is a person who is very much out of touch and I believe his true colors have once again appeared.”

“Out of touch”? Hardly.

Any American with common sense, would say that ol’ Bubba’s off-the-cuff remarks were spot on.

Please allow me to use my Hometown as an example of what Former President Clinton was addressing.

Jody Callahan, writing for the Memphis Commercial Appeal, posted the following article on April 3rd:

By at least one measure, the homicide rate in Memphis this year is nearly twice that of Chicago, a town that is generating unwanted notoriety for its soaring number of killings.

Through the end of March in Memphis, 60 people had been killed in the violent first three months of the year. As of the latest U.S. Census estimate, the Memphis population stands at 656,861, for a homicide rate of 9.13 victims per 100,000 population.

Through the same period in Chicago, 151 people had been killed. As of the latest U.S. Census estimate, the Chicago population stands at 2,722,389, for a homicide rate of 5.55 victims per 100,000 population.

If the Memphis numbers continue rising at that rate for the rest of the year, the city would record more than 240 homicides, a tally that would obliterate the record of 213 set in 1993.

By any measure, it’s too much death, too much killing. And it’s overwhelming those in the city charged with responding to it.

“It’s an emotional strain on everybody right now, the whole community,” Shelby County Dist. Atty. Gen. Amy Weirich said. “But in terms of strain on the office, sure. That’s potentially 60 more cases of the most serious nature. These are the most emotionally draining and difficult cases we handle.”

Memphis Police Department Acting Lt. Col. of Investigative Services Caroline Mason said the homicide unit was coping with the influx, aided by solving 46 of the 60 killings.

“Homicide is a tight-knit unit. The morale is high because they are solving these cases,” she said. “It’s not like it’s 60 unknown, or mysteries. Again, the solve rate is 77 percent.”

When asked how much extra stress the homicide increase has put on the unit, Mason said, “I wouldn’t say anything about extra stress, because this is just what we do.”

But a former homicide detective who spent 17 years in the unit before his retirement said he’s heard the strain has been tremendous.

“It would be daunting. You have so many coming in, but so few people working on them. You’re just not able to give the attention to them that you should be able to. They’re coming in too fast, you’re spread too thin. A lot of times when they’re coming in that fast, you’re going to miss stuff,” Bill Ashton said, remembering his time in the unit when homicide rates were up. “When they come in that fast, you get frustrated because you don’t have enough time to work on them.” It’s not just Memphis and Chicago, either. Other large American cities are seeing jumps in homicide numbers. A New York Times story last year pointed to such increases in several cities, including Baltimore, Milwaukee, New Orleans, St. Louis and Washington, D.C.

“It’s a nationwide trend,” Weirich said. “For the latter part of 2015, we were all watching as major cities across the nation noticed their violent crime spiking. We ended 2015 looking good, and then lo and behold (came) Jan. 1, 2016, and all that good work is gone.”

Except, DA Weirich, Memphis is now in first place, in a race that no self-respecting municipality wants to win.

Is it just me, or, gentle reader, do you also remember that we are supposed to be living under the first post-racial president?

It certainly does not seem that way.

Ever since Obama got into office, all I have heard from him is the Rhetoric of Racial Division and Class Warfare.

It reminded me of all the historical conflicts which I used to read about, during the course in college which I took, titled “The Rhetoric of Social Protest“.

Karl Marx knew long ago that all you needed to do to touch the heart of the common man was to convince him of a shared struggle.

Vladimir Lenin took this a step further, by using the concept of a shared struggle to convince the Bolsheviks to help him overthrow the Czar of Russia and murder him and his family during the Russian Revolution.

Forgive me for stating the obvious, but fiery rhetoric spoken by a national leader and his “New Bolsheviks” has consequences.

President Barack Hussein Obama is as responsible for what has happened in Ferguson, New York, Baltimore, and is happening in cities across America,  as any thug wannabe in those cities.

However, he is not alone in his responsibility.

Also responsible are the black political leaders, who make their living and get their 15 minutes of fame by exacerbating racially-divided situations. Their silence speaks volumes.

For example, by the Mayor of Baltimore, purposely giving carte blanche to the rioters to destroy her city by ordering the police to stand down, she, like the Roman Emperor Nero, lit the match that has set her kingdom ablaze.

If Black Lives truly do matter, it is the black community who are going to have to save themselves.

With a nationwide illegitimate birth rate of 74%, black Americans, with help from Uncle Sugar, have succeeded in tearing apart the very thing that kept them safe and strong for decades: the Black Family Unit.

Until that Sacred Foundation, which taught individual responsibility to generations of black Americans, is restored, the violence and disrespect for others will continue.

I remember, as a 9 year old in Memphis, Tennessee, watching my parents’ black and white television as the National Guard was called into action on the night that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.

I remember after that Civil Defense Announcement that President Lyndon Johnson come on national television to make the announcement of Dr. King’s death. I remember a feeling of helplessness and of fear, as a nine-year-old, that I had not felt before.

It wasn’t just the fact that we were living in Midtown Memphis, that made me afraid.

It wasn’t just the fact of the out-of-control violence itself, that caused my consternation.

It was watching my beloved Hometown on the verge of going up in flames.

And now, 48 years later, Memphis is the #2 Most Dangerous City in America, as ranked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and has borne witness to over 60 homicides so far the year, the overwhelming majority of which were black Memphians killing one another.

Words can hurt or words can heal.

A President who was supposed to bridge the Racial Divide in this nation…has, instead, widened it.

And, with every divisive word he and the political activists whom he champions speak, the chasm of Racial Divisiveness, which has created a gaping hole in the fabric of American Society, grows wider.

Words mean things.

Until He Comes,



Liberal Hypocrisy Vs. the Confederacy: The War to Eliminate History Continues

untitled (16)On the wall beside my computer desk, hangs my family crest, which I shipped to my Daddy (Southern Colloquialism for male parental unit) in the summer of 1978, from an insignia shop in York, England.

This same family crest also hangs in the home of Jefferson Davis, distinguished Graduate of West Point Academy, and the President of the Confederate States of America.

I am a proud Southerner, living in the NW Corner of the state of Mississippi.

As a Christian American, I attend church on Sunday mornings with my brothers and sisters in Christ, both black and white.

American Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, continue to try to take advantage of the horrible church massacre in Charleston, SC, in order to accomplish something that they have been trying to do for years: minimize the South’s political clout and erase our uniqueness as a region, through the taking away of a symbol of our heritage, and, any traces of the historical aspects of the Confederate Side of the Civil War, as exemplified by the current mission of Outgoing Memphis Mayor AC Wharton and his minions on the City Council, to dig up Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, and move their bodies and a statue of the general, which all currently “reside” in a downtown park in the Medical Center.

The Alinsky-approved Tactics, currently being employed by Barack Obama and his Liberal minions on both sides of the aisle, are giving them, at best, a temporary victory, as shown by the results of a CNN poll, which shows that the opinion of Americans concerning the Confederate Flag remains unchanged in the last 15 years.

The poll shows that 57% of Americans see the flag more as a symbol of Southern pride than as a symbol of racism, about the same as in 2000 when 59% said they viewed it as a symbol of pride.

Why have Liberals shown such disrespect for this integral part of American History?

Modern American Liberals have no respect for any of our nation’s symbols of our heritage.

These cowardly individuals continue to attempt to wipe out a part of our American Heritage.

As they say (instead of “Once Upon a Time”) in Southern Fairy tales,

Y’all ain’t gonna believe this s@#t…

According to,

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…circa 1865.

A new crop of Confederate flag controversies is boiling up along the East Coast just in time for the holidays.

In Virginia, residents are fighting over the flying of the rebel flag in Danville, as a new billboard welcomes drivers to “the last capital of the Confederacy.” About 50 supporters carried the Confederate flag during an unauthorized display at a Roanoke Christmas parade earlier this month. And the flag won a victory in Pennsylvania on Tuesday when Kutztown University overturned a ban on the rebel insignia.

“It’s our right to show our heritage, our pride, what we believe in,” Virginia Flaggers member Tommy Goddard told WDBJ7.

The Danville billboard, which went up last week, greets those entering town with the message: “Welcome to Danville. The last capital of the Confederacy and proud of it.” Those leaving town see a similar sentiment with the Beverley Hillbilly’s-like addition, “Y’all come back.”

Some residents have already complained about flagpoles with Confederate flags the group has placed around the city, Goddard said. City officials confirmed to WDBJ7 that a complaint was filed to the planning and zoning board.

Goddard’s group doesn’t seem intent on backing down.

“Hoping that the city realizes if they go for this code, that there is always other ways to get around ordinances and codes, other ways to make sure that flag or flag pole stays up,” Goddard said.

The Danville debate is at least the second Confederate hullabaloo in Virginia this month.

As many as 50 flag bearers carried the rebel banner during a parade in Roanoke on Dec. 11, The Roanoke Times reported. The unauthorized display was reportedly organized by several pro-Confederate flag groups and formed behind the permitted float for the Sons of Confederate Veterans 28th Infantry Camp 49.

The Roanoke NAACP, which opposed the Sons of Confederate Veterans float even before the unsanctioned flag bearers showed up, organized an opposition rally near the parade’s beginning.

“It shocks and saddens me that these issues resulted in individuals on both sides of the debate resorting to the use of a Christmas parade as a venue to further their cause, not celebrate the season,” Downtown Roanoke Inc. board Chairman Tony Pearman told The Times. DRI organizes the parade.

And while Confederate flag supporters in both Virginia cases face significant opposition to their cause, the flag claimed a win in a small Pennsylvania town Tuesday.

Kutztown University overturned a ban that barred the Confederate flag – and swastikas – from being displayed inside dorm rooms and other areas on campus, Inside Higher Ed reported.

“The Confederate flag and swastika are NOT permitted in any residence hall, suite and apartment or student room,” the original policy, enacted earlier this month, stated. The word “not” was uppercased and bolded in the original text.

But the university’s legal counsel put the kibosh on Kutztown’s prohibition, citing a need to review the ban’s “constitutionality.”

“The university will educate our students and other members of our community, so they will understand the historical and modern context for these symbols,” a university statement issued Tuesday said, “and we will continue to advocate for an environment wherein all those associated with our university can feel valued and safe.”

Meanwhile, down in the Southern Port known as the “Big Easy”, the New York Times reports that

NEW ORLEANS — A lawsuit is challenging a city plan to remove prominent Confederate monuments by alleging that the city does not own the land under three of the monuments and that they are protected from removal by state and federal laws.

The suit, filed shortly after the City Council voted Thursday to remove four monuments, asked Judge Carl Barbier of Federal District Court in New Orleans to halt removal plans. The suit was filed by three preservation organizations and a New Orleans chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

The decision by New Orleans is one of the most sweeping gestures yet by an American city to sever ties with its Confederate past. New Orleans, like other places, was spurred into action against Confederate symbols after a shooting at an African-American church in Charleston, S. C., in June left nine parishioners dead.

The monuments slated for removal include a 60-foot-tall marble column and statue dedicated to Gen. Robert E. Lee and a large equestrian statue of P. G. T. Beauregard, a Louisiana-born Confederate general. Also designated for removal are a statue of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, and an obelisk dedicated to a group of white supremacists who sought to topple a biracial Reconstruction government in New Orleans.

The suit said the monuments were part of the city’s history and should be protected.

“Regardless whether the Civil War era is regarded as a catastrophic mistake or a noble endeavor, it is undeniably a formative event in the history of Louisiana,” the suit stated. “It is the source of much of the cultural heritage” of the city and state, it added, “including countless novels, short stories, plays, monuments, statues, films, stories, songs, legends and other expressions of cultural identity.”

The city is relying on an ordinance that allows it to take down monuments on public property or under its control considered a “nuisance” because they foster dangerous and unlawful ideologies of supremacy and may become rallying points for violent demonstrations.

City officials have agreed that they will not remove the monuments before a Jan. 14 hearing of the case, according to court documents filed Friday.

The suit is aimed at Mayor Mitch Landrieu and, in a legal twist, the federal Department of Transportation and other federal transportation officials for their role in paying for streetcar work that has, according to the suit, damaged the monuments. The suit also claimed that federal officials should stop the removal because the monuments should be considered historic elements of nearby streetcar lines.

Officials from the city and the Transportation Department did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment. A lawyer for the plaintiffs declined to comment.

Louis R. Koerner Jr., a New Orleans lawyer and historian not involved in the case, said the suit had merit.

“I think they put their foot out and tripped everybody up,” he said. Mr. Koerner said the questions raised about whether the monuments should be viewed as integral to the streetcar work was clever and could force the city into a lengthy historic review process.

The 51-page suit said removal would be unlawful for many other reasons — including violating laws protecting monuments dedicated to military veterans and history.

These attempts at rewriting and censuring history, in the name of Political Correctness, “racism”, and “hurt feelings” are one of the biggest exercises in Liberal Hypocrisy that this ol’ Son of the South has seen in my ever-lengthening lifetime.

I guess that, for Liberals, it beats dealing with a very harsh reality.

That being, their direct responsibility for the failure of “The Great Society”, the massive taxpayer-funded program, launched by Liberal Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson.

Do you know how many black children are being born out of wedlock, 70 years later, after the launch of this program, which was supposed to “lift people up”?

Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and a mere 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders.

These Americans, unlike the majority of us, are growing up without appropriate parental guidance, i.e., no one teaching them “the way in which they should go”.

The Great Society created a dependent class, which, instead of diminishing as it’s members joined the workforce, increased from generation to generation, relying on the federal government to provide their every need.

Uncle Sugar became Mother, Father, Preacher, and Doctor to generations of Americans. This “plantation mentality” continues to this day.

Instead of moving forward, by exercising the self-reliance that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached so well, these individuals are content on being “taken care of” by Uncle Sugar, as if being held down by their own poor, miserable circumstance, was a good thing.

Since August of 2014, the results of LBJ’s “Great Society” have been the lead story in seemingly, every television newscast, on every newspaper front page, and on every internet news/political website, as the results of a president espousing Racial Division and Class Warfare “reap the whirlwind”.

Meanwhile, these same condescending Liberals, who created the failed “great Society”, insist that everything will be better is we just rewrite history, all of us Southerners “sit down and shut up” and remove the Confederate Battle Flag, including the Mississippi State Flag, from public view.

And, allow them to continue to be condescending hypocrites.


Until He Comes,


Dr. Ben Carson, the Mississippi State Flag, and Liberal Hypocrisy

Banning-Flags-600-LIYou hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. – Matthew 7:5 (KJV)

When trying to decide what to write about this Sunday Morning, I came across this opinion piece, disguised as an article, on

 LOUISVILLE, Miss. — In single strokes after the massacre of nine black churchgoers in Charleston in June, Confederate battle flags were taken from statehouse grounds in South Carolina and Alabama, pulled from shelves at major retailers like Walmart and declared unwelcome, if to limited effect, at Nascar races.

What here is not so simple in Mississippi. The Confederate battle flag is not simply flying in one hotly disputed spot at the State Capitol but occupying the upper left corner of the state flag, which has been flying since 1894. And as recently as 2001, Mississippians voted by a nearly two-to-one ratio to keep it. Recent polling suggests the majority have not changed their minds. 

“My flag’s been flying for 33 years, and I’m not about to take it down,” said Nancy Jenkins, 58, a postal worker who is white and who flies the Mississippi flag and the United States flag at her house a block south of Louisville City Hall. “It doesn’t stand for hate. It means a lot of people fought and died.”

Over the past few months, there have been scattered outbreaks of municipal defiance by those who find the Confederate flag offensive, as mayors and city councils from the Delta to the Pine Belt have decided to no longer fly the state flag.

But beyond these sporadic gestures, any organized effort was always going to wait until politicians were on the safe side of this year’s election. With the closing of the polls on Tuesday night, what could turn out to be the last battle over the Confederate flag in Mississippi has begun in earnest.

“It’s all about momentum,” said Dane Waters, the president of the Citizens in Charge Foundation, which organizes ballot initiatives and referendums nationwide. “If you take a pocket here and pocket there of things happening, I don’t think anything is going to change.”

This week, Mr. Waters, a self-described conservative who has been retained by a group of people he declined to name, will arrive in Mississippi to pick up a difficult task: forming an unlikely and perhaps unmanageable alliance of preachers, business executives, state boosters and civil rights advocates to remove forever the Confederate battle flag from the state flag.

He is working with the Flag for All Mississippians Coalition, which was started by Sharon Brown, an activist in Jackson, who is black. The campaign has already been organizing supporters and held a hundreds-strong rally at the State Capitol. But Mr. Waters spoke of other tools that will be brought to bear outside the public eye, such as pressure on political donors and lobbying in the Legislature.

The coalition that he and others are trying to put together would need to unite groups almost never politically aligned, testing the depth of what Mr. Waters called the state’s “tremendous social, economic and racial divide.”

In the immediate aftermath of Charleston, it seemed that such a coalition might be possible here. Several conservative political leaders called for a change, including the state’s two United States senators and the speaker of the Mississippi House (inspiring critics to print “Keep the Flag, Change the Speaker” yard signs). Down came flags at city buildings in Grenada, Magnolia, Starkville, Clarksdale and Yazoo City. In October, even the University of Mississippi lowered the flag at the circle where segregationists once clashed with federal troops over the admission of James Meredith.

But the move to change the flag, which, in the words of the daughter of the state senator who designed it, was intended to “perpetuate in a legal and lasting way that dear battle flag under which so many of our people had so gloriously fought,” is not widely popular. It takes no time at all in any Mississippi downtown to find that out.

Darn skippy, Percy.

My family and friends, down here in Realityville, in NW Mississippi and, my Facebook Friends, who participate alongside me on Political Chat Pages, will testify that nothing gets my 56-year old blood pressure up faster than hypocritical, condescending Liberals.

This story is a prime example of one of those loathsome creature’s thought processes.

While this New York Times reporter has been trying to remove the speck from the eyes of Mississippians, his fellow Liberal “Journalists” at manufactured a false “news story” in an effort to get Dr. Ben Carson, World-renowned Neurosurgeon and Christian Conservative American, who just happens to be black, to drop out of the Republican Primary Race for that Party’s Presidential Nomination.

As I reported yesterday, before Politico admitted to lying by changing the “Lead” of their article, Rush Limbaugh, the Godfather of Conservative Talk Radio made the following accurate observation on his program:

I think what we have here is an electronic lynching.  We have an electronic lynching being conducted against a Republican African-American candidate by a majority white, mainstream American liberal media where — if you’re not a good liberal and a good African-American on their plantation — they are gonna take you out.  And we are witnessing it.  It’s the same thing, folks, that happened to Clarence Thomas back in 1990 I believe it was. Again, back in 1990 there wasn’t any Fox News. There wasn’t a blogosphere.There were just the beginnings of the conservative presence on the web — and there was me, talk radio. But there was nothing else.  This is the kind of thing they used to get away with. This used to be the standard way news happened.  This is not character assassination.  This goes way beyond character assassination.  This is an attempt to destroy Carson’s reputation, his political future, his career, his credibility, all of it.  This is intended to destroy him.  Like just told our liberal caller: It’s the only way these people can win.  They think Carson’s a lunatic and they still can’t — or are not comfortable taking him on in the arena of ideas.  They have to character assassinate and destroy. 

This is despicable, despicable stuff.  

American Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, continue to try to take advantage of the horrible church massacre in Charleston, SC, in order to accomplish something that they have been trying to do for years: minimize the South’s political clout and erase our uniqueness as a region, through the taking away of a symbol of our heritage, and, any traces of the historical aspects of the Confederate Side of the Civil War, as exemplified by the current mission of Outgoing Memphis Mayor AC Wharton and his minions on the City Council, to dig up Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife, and move their bodies and a statue of the general, which all currently “reside” in a downtown park in the Medical Center.

The Alinsky-approved Tactics, currently being employed by Barack Obama and his Liberal minions on both sides of the aisle, are giving them, at best, a temporary victory, as shown by the results of a CNN poll, which shows that the opinion of Americans concerning the Confederate Flag remains unchanged in the last 15 years.

The poll shows that 57% of Americans see the flag more as a symbol of Southern pride than as a symbol of racism, about the same as in 2000 when 59% said they viewed it as a symbol of pride.

At the same time, how many black children are being born out of wedlock?

Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and a mere 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders.

These Americans, unlike the majority of us, are growing up without appropriate parental guidance, i.e., no one teaching them “the way in which they should go”.

The Great Society created a dependent class, which, instead of diminishing as it’s members joined the workforce, increased from generation to generation, relying on the federal government to provide their every need.

Uncle Sugar became Mother, Father, Preacher, and Doctor to generations of Americans. This “plantation mentality” continues to this day.

Instead of moving forward, by exercising the self-reliance that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached so well, these people I saw, were content on being “taken care of” by Uncle Sugar, as if being held down by their own poor, miserable circumstance, was a good thing.

Since August of 2014, the results of LBJ’s “Great Society” have been the lead story in seemingly, every television newscast, on every newspaper front page, and on every internet news/political website, as the results of a president espousing Racial Division and Class Warfare “reap the whirlwind”.

Meanwhile, these same condescending Liberals, who created the failed “great Society”, insist that everything will be better is we just rewrite history, all of us Southerners “sit down and shut up” and remove the Confederate Battle Flag, including the Mississippi State Flag, from public view.

And, allow them to continue to be condescending hypocrites.


Until He Comes,




Black Youth Mob Vandalizes Walmart, Causes $2,000 in Damage…Just For the Heck of It

2A1DE7B100000578-3144505-image-a-69_1435682880161As the country’s attention was fixed this past weekend on the Supreme Court’s ruling, which redefined marriage and created a new “right”, a problem that began with a National “Social Program” in the 1960s, has mushroomed into an unmitigated mess of an out-of-control societal problem, that Obama and the rest of the Democrat leadership, seem perfectly content to ignore.

The Macon (GA) Telegraph reports that

Surveillance video of a wee-hours ruckus at a Macon Wal-Mart on Sunday shows a teenager race inside flashing gang signs ahead of a mob of four dozen or so people who burst in and smashed merchandise.

The commotion, which caused an estimated $2,000 in damage, appears to have been planned.

Some in the crowd also snatched a man, apparently a shopper at the Zebulon Road store, from a motorized shopping cart and dragged him to the floor, Bibb County sheriff’s officials said Monday.

The vandals, said to number between 40 and 50, sprinted down the store’s main aisle about 1:50 a.m. Sunday, “destroying merchandise displays and items,” a sheriff’s deputy’s report of the incident noted.

Floors in parts of the store were “coated with broken merchandise,” the report added. “The length of the store from front to rear was lined with items which had been shattered, destroyed, turned over and thrown about.”

When sheriff’s deputies got there, the crowd “began to flee into many different vehicles and leave the scene,” the report said.

The store, next to Lowe’s, is just east of Interstate 475 in one of the area’s most frequented shopping districts.

The teenager seen leading the rushing horde of young men and women told a Wal-Mart employee “that this was a planned event … to see how much damage they could cause,” the sheriff’s report said.

The teen, identified as 17-year-old Kharron Nathan Green, of Ashton Drive in northwest Bibb County, was arrested when he returned to the store to retrieve his cellphone.

Green was jailed and later released on bond after being charged with inciting a riot and second-degree damage to property.

Green, according to the sheriff’s report, first told cops that “he did not know anything about what had happened in the store and that he did not know anyone involved.”

But when his mother and father arrived and watched the surveillance footage with sheriff’s deputies, the report said “Green admitted to his parents that the male in the video was indeed him.”

He refused to name others in the crowd, but according to the report said they had all come from a party on the city’s south side.

“Hopefully we can identify the others,” Sheriff David Davis said Monday. “Hopefully it’s not a pattern of behavior.”

Davis wondered about the parental supervision of the young people involved.

“Due to the lateness of the hour,” he said, “I don’t know that they were going to be going to church the next morning.”

This “incident” reminds me of the same kind of trouble that we have been experiencing in my hometown of Memphis, since last year.  There have now been several instances of these sort of attacks, beginning with the now-infamous “Flash Mob Attack” at the Kroger Grocery Story, located in the heart of East Memphis, on the busy thoroughfare of Poplar Avenue.

In that instance, a mob of kids, for no apparent reason at all, attacked a couple of innocent people, smashing a huge pumpkin over a teenage store clerk’s head, resulting in hospitalization.

There have been several instances since then, with the Memphis Mayor and the City Council deciding that the solution to these barbaric mobs behavior was to reward them by opening up Youth Basketball Centers, which will stay open until after Midnight, in order to attempt to keep the little angels off the streets of my hometown.

The only problem with Mayor AC Wharton’s ingenious plan, is the fact that it would only work if these kids were raised right to begin with, and respected authority enough to go play basketball, instead of roaming the streets like a bunch of feral cats.

As I have written in the past, the trouble which American Society is now experiencing, regarding the Black Youth Subculture, begins at home.

With a history of 74% of Black Americans being born out of wedlock, the problem of Black “Yutes” growing up without strong role models has now become generational…and, a vicious cycle. 

Here’s an idea, you idiots:

How about raising your children in the way in which they should go?

As a 55 year old product of the Former Memphis City Schools and Memphis State University (now The University of Memphis), I can remember a time when the majority of young Memphians, regardless of their race, were raised to be respectful of their elders, and to recognize the fact that there are absolutes in the concepts of right versus wrong, and that wrong behavior has consequences.

We were also raised knowing the concept of personal responsibility for our actions.

And, if we had a problem understanding those concepts, an adult, whether it be a parent, a friend’s parent, a teacher, a principal, a church leader, as policeman, or a judge, would explain those concepts to us in no uncertain terms.

And, you could bet your last Hot Wheels that, if you got in trouble in school or after school while hanging out in the neighborhood, that we would pay for our transgressions when we got home.

Nowadays, we are experiencing the results of LBJ’s “Great Society”, in which the Almighty Federal Government has eliminated both the concept of moral absolutes and individual responsibility.

These “yutes” who are acting like wild animals have been raised as such. literally abandoned by irresponsible parents to fend for themselves and to make up their own rules as they go along.

What we are witnessing, boys and girls, is a Generation of Sociopaths, with no concept of morality, ethics, or personal responsibility.

They are doing what feels good to them…and what popular culture, which has become both their “god” and their “parental authority figure” has told them is cool.

Until America’s Black (and White) Community and Civic leaders show these young savages that they will face SEVERE consequences for their barbaric behavior, these mob attacks will continue…until one of these young people are shot dea, when they pick a victim with a Concealed Carry Permit.

And, then “the community” will have no one to blame, but themselves.

Until He Comes,


Latest “Social Media Challenge”: Desecrating OUR FLAG!

americaneagleflagIt is the night of September 13, 1814.  The British fleet are bombarding Fort McHenry in the harbor at Baltimore, Maryland. Francis Scott Key, a 34-year old lawyer-poet, is watching the attack from the deck of a British prisoner-exchange ship. Key had gone seeking the release of a friend. They were told that they had to remain aboard the vessel until the end of the attack. When the battle was over, the following morning, Key had his telescope on the fort and saw the American flag was still waving. The sight of the tattered Stars and Stripes was so moving that he pulled a letter from his pocket and began to write the poem. This poem eventually became the national anthem of the United States – “The Star Spangled Banner.”

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight’
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

It does, sir. Regardless of a bunch of little snot-nosed, ungrateful punks. reports that

A social media challenge asks people to make videos of themselves desecrating the U.S. flag and post them online, Shawn Bevans reported at the Independent Journal Review on Thursday. The challenge is supposedly in honor of Eric Sheppard, a Valdosta State University student wanted in Georgia after his gun was reportedly found on campus during a series of protests.

Sheppard, Campus Reform said, is a member of the radical New Black Panther Party and describes himself as a terrorist against white people. Sheppard was part of a protest that involved stomping on the flag. The flag was rescued by Michelle Manhart, a female veteran of the United States Air Force, who was detained after securing the banner.

Sheppard’s father has asked that he turn himself in to authorities. But, Campus Reform said, some have decided to show their support with a social media movement that includes videos and photos posted to Facebook and Instagram.

It has also made the rounds on Twitter, angering a number of people. Some of those posting on the social media site posted pictures of protesters defecating on the flag.

“I dare someone to try the #EricSheppardChallenge in front of me,” one person said Saturday. “I will leave you bloody on the ground. Have some respect.”

“The #EricSheppardChallenge is offensive, disrespectful, and illegal,” another person said. “Sooo…rioting and looting didn’t get America to side with you, but you think stepping on the flag will?” another Twitter user asked.

The challenge also has its supporters. One person, for example, said “there are genuinely american’s (sic) angrier at the desecration of a piece of material than the loss of black lives.”

In a video posted to her public Facebook page, activist Erica Walker dances on a flag laying on the ground after issuing a profanity-laced message. “F**k yo flag,” she says in the video, Campus Reform added. Walker also provided an “out” for those who do not want to desecrate the flag.

“If you don’t want to do the ‪#‎EricSheppardChallenge‬, fine, then donate $100 to a homeless veteran,” she said on Facebook. “There’s plenty of them in Atlanta and all across America, thanks to the failed VA department.”

“According to her LinkedIn page, Walker is a radio talk show host and is currently employed at the Ryan Cameron Foundation, a nonprofit that aims to empower high school students in the Atlanta area,” Campus Reform said. “She was previously employed at CBS Atlanta.”

So where does this disrespect for Old Glory come from?

It starts at the top.

Let’s go back to 9/13/11, 2 days after America solemnly remembered the 10th anniversary of the worst attack ever on American soil by Islamic Terrorists.  James Robbins wrote the following story for The Washington Times, in which he illuminated a whispered conversation between the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, and First Lady, Michelle Obama:

The internet was buzzing this week with video of First Lady Michelle Obama apparently showing extreme disrespect to the American flag at a ceremony in honor of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. As police and firefighters fold the flag to the sound of marching bagpipers, a skeptical looking Mrs. Obama leans to her husband and appears to say, “all this just for a flag.” She then purses her lips and shakes her head slightly as Mr. Obama nods.

And, it filters to the home.

Back in the 60s, President Lyndon Johnson (whose big hand I once shook, at his ranch, as a little boy, after his presidential term) and the Democrats, brought forth a plan, called “the Great Society”. It was decided, in order to ensure that everyone would have an equal opportunity in America, that Uncle Sugar would step in to fill in the gaps.

Two seminal pieces of legislation were passed.

First, the Civil Rights Bill that JFK promised to sign, before his assassination, was passed into law. This Act banned discrimination based on race and gender in employment and ending segregation in all public facilities.

It also helped to cement in stone, minorities’ loyalty to the Democratic Party, which continues to this day.

The second bill that LBJ signed into law was the sweeping ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT OF 1964. It created the Office of Economic Opportunity whose stated purpose was to attack the roots of American poverty. A Job Corps was then established to provide vocational training.

A preschool program designed to help disadvantaged students arrive at kindergarten ready to learn, named HEADSTART, was then established. Then came VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE TO AMERICA (VISTA), which was set up as a domestic Peace Corps. Schools in impoverished American regions would now receive volunteer teaching attention. Federal funds were sent to struggling communities to attack unemployment and illiteracy.

What Johnson told Americans, as he campaigned in 1964, was that the establishment of this “Great Society” was going to eliminate the problems of America’s poor.

It had the opposite effect

The Great Society created a dependent class, which, instead of diminishing as it’s members joined the workforce, increased from generation to generation, relying on the federal government to provide their every need.

Uncle Sugar became Mother, Father, Preacher, and Doctor to generations of Americans. This “plantation mentality” continues to this day.

A few years ago, I worked at our county’s State Employment Center Office.

While at the Employment Office, I was able to observe Americans, both Black and White, down on their luck, struggling to find work and survive in this economy. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of “unemployed ” who came to this particular office were Black.

I saw Black American Families whose existence living on the Government Dole, had become generational.

It is these people whom Obama and the Democrats have hypnotized into believing that Uncle Sugar loves them, and is their only solution to surviving a stifling existence.

They are so, so wrong.

The strength and vitality of America does not come from the benevolence of a Nanny-state Federal Government.

As the greatest American President of my lifetime, Ronald Reagan said:

The nine words you never want to hear are: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.

Being enslaved to the Government Dole steals one’s ambition. It takes away any impetus or desire to create a better life for yourself and your family, to challenge yourself to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and pursue the American Dream. It makes you reliant on a politically motivated spider’s web full of government bureaucrats who view you and your family as job security.

I watched American citizens trapped in this web of government bureaucracy, so numbed of any initiative that they once had, that they seemed offended that they actually had to prove that they inquired about three jobs that week in order to keep their “benefits”. Others seemed puzzled that they had to search through the state data base and pick out a job that they wanted to talk to an interviewer about receiving a referral to, and weren’t just simply handed a job when they walked through the door.

Instead of moving forward, by exercising the self-reliance that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached so well, these people I saw, were content on being “taken care of” by Uncle Sugar, as if being held down by their own poor, miserable circumstance, was a good thing.

I am sure that it would have offended you, Dr. King, to hear the tenants of Marxism, i.e., “sharing the wealth” and Class Envy, being “preached” to the same Black Americans whom you tried so mightily to raise up and inspire.

For the past year,the results of LBJ’s “Great Society” have been the lead story in every television newscast, on every newspaper front page, and on every internet news/political website.

Dr King, I am sorry to tell you that racism and injustice is still going on in America. Unfortunately, it will not end any time soon, There are too many race-baiters profiting off of it.

Including, the President of the United States.

The part of your magnificent speech about “the content of their character” has been purposefully ignored by the professional race-baiters and assorted politicians (but, I repeat myself), once again, in the aftermath of the death pf Career Criminal Eric Garner.

Dr. King, your call for self-reliance took a back seat to their self-serving agenda, a long time ago.

So, how can we expect these young people to respect OUR FLAG, when they have no respect for THEMSELVES?

To those of you read this today, who somehow believe that desecrating OUR FLAG, makes you more elightened that the rest of us, and is your “right”, okay.

However, it is my right, as the son of an American Soldier, who stepped off a perfectly good boat, in a hail of gunfire, onto Normandy Beach to protect our American Freedom, to push you off of Old Glory and to take it away from you.

Yes, children, including Mrs. Obama.  All this for a flag.  And, for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in its service.

Until He Comes,