Why Are Liberal Democrats So Gung Ho About “Controlling” the Internet?

obamabillofrightsCongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. – The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America

The Washington Examiner reports that

Claiming that thousands of public comments condemning “dark money” in politics can’t be ignored, the Democrat-chaired Federal Election Commission on Wednesday appeared ready to open the door to new regulations on donors, bloggers and others who use the Internet to influence policy and campaigns.

During a broad FEC hearing to discuss a recent Supreme Court decision that eliminated some donor limits, proponents encouraged the agency to draw up new funding disclosure rules and require even third-party internet-based groups to reveal donors, a move that would extinguish a 2006 decision to keep the agency’s hands off the Internet.

Noting the 32,000 public comments that came into the FEC in advance of the hearing, Democratic Commissioner Ellen L. Weintraub said, “75 percent thought that we need to do more about money in politics, particularly in the area of disclosure. And I think that’s something that we can’t ignore.”

But a former Republican FEC chairman said in his testimony that if the agency moves to regulate the Internet, including news voices like the Drudge Report as GOP commissioners have warned, many thousands more comments will flood in in opposition of regulation.

“If you produce a rule that says we are going to start regulating this stuff, including the internet and so on, I think you will see a lot more than 32,000 comments come in and I don’t think staff will analyze them and find that 75 percent are favorable to more regulation,” said Bradley Smith, now with the Center for Competitive Politics.

Democratic Chairwoman Ann Ravel, who called the hearing, has said she wants to regulate politicking on the Internet, though she has pulled back amid a public outcry, especially among conservatives who see her move as a bid to silence center-right websites and Internet based conservative groups and news sites.

However, two groups, including the League of Women Voters, said they support more disclosure by those who use the Internet to influence campaigns and policy.

It has always amazed me, during the time I spend on the internet, on Political Facebook Pages and Websites, how those who claim to be the most tolerant among us are actually the least tolerant of all.

This congressperson and her dear leader, President Barack Hussein Obama, epitomize Liberals’ intolerance toward those of us who do not share their political ideology.

Both seek to restrict the Internet, as a means of shutting down Americans’ Freedom of Speech.

The reason for that, is simple. Citizen bloggers, such as myself, daily expose the shenanigans and chicanery of an Administration and a political party seemingly bereft of Traditional American Values and Ethics.

For a president and political party, who claimed to be the most transparent public servants whom we have ever seen in national office, they seem overly concerned at the free flow of information about them, that the public not only needs, but deserves to know.

Of course, this reluctancy to allow information to get to the public, is nothing new in the annuls of American politics… or in the political history of President Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama learned to ply his trade in the smoke-filled backrooms of Chicago, Illinois, where shady political deals were made and potential candidates were created.

Obama became president as a result of these backroom dealings and as a result of a restricted flow of information concerning his background, which hampered anyone who wished to vet him as a candidate.

Of course, the fact that both the Chicago and the national news media covered for him by creating fairy tales about how wonderful he was and how the oceans would recede at the wave of his mighty hand and we would all get unicorns in our backyards, had something to do with his election, as well.

But, I digress..

Obama and the Democrats have been trying to regulate the Internet for years now. And, there’s a reason for that.

The cold hard fact of the matter is that Liberalism, like Socialism, is a failed ideology, which took a divergent path from reality, a long time ago.

The only way that Liberals, who actually are still only 23% of America’s population, can maintain any sort of political leverage and power, is by concealing their true intentions through manipulation of the Main Stream Media and by controlling the flow of information, so that the public remains in the dark as to the Machiavellian nature of their true feelings about their relationship with the average American voter.

Obama and the Democratic Party prefer to employ a Mushroom Policy, when it comes to informing the Public as to what they are doing.

They want to keep us in the dark and feed us…well…you know.

Until He Comes,


President Obama Told You to Ignore Me

obamabillofrightsI don’t know why the president wants you to ignore me. I mean, what harm can my daily posts, which I have been writing since April of 2010, do to the Leader of the Free World? After all, he has the entire Federal Government at his disposal, along with the Democrat Party and, now it seems, a majority of the Republican Party, as well. However, yesterday, he appeared on national television and said,

Because we’ve all got a lot of work to do on behalf of the American people – and that includes the hard work of regaining their trust. Our system of self-government doesn’t function without it. And now that the government is reopened, and this threat to our economy is removed, all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio, and the professional activists who profit from conflict, and focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do – and that’s grow this economy, create good jobs, strengthen the middle class, lay the foundation for broad-based prosperity, and get our fiscal house in order for the long haul.

Why does he want you to ignore me? After all, I’m just a little nobody. Heck, I don’t even get paid to write. It’s just something I do to vent. I do it because I enjoy it. I’m just an average Christian American, living an average life, in one of the “57 states”, as the president once referred to our country.

Obama is supposedly the smartest person in any room he walks into. Just ask the Main Stream Media…they will confirm that. And, if they won’t…Obama most certainly will.

How does little ol’ me threaten the most powerful man on the face of the world?

Is he intimidated by “words, just words” from anonymous Americans? Surely he isn’t. (And, don’t call me Shirley.) He mentioned “regaining the trust” of the American people. Coming out the day after the opposition party capitulated to you against the wishes of their Conservative Base, and calling out that same base, in no uncertain terms, reminds me of an imperious, didactic visiting lecturer, who believes that he intrinsically knows more that every student in his classroom. (Oh wait. That used to be you, at the University of Chicago, didn’t it, Mr. President? Oops. My bad.)

Being petulant and arrogant will not help you “win back America’s trust”, Scooter. Especially, since you never had it in the first place.

As far as growing the economy, that is the job of American Entrepreneurs. You remember them, don’t you Mr. President? They’re the ones whom you have taxed and penalized so harshly that they moved their businesses overseas.

Socialism does not lead to prosperity, sir. It has been tried numerous times…and has failed wherever it was put in place.  Capitalism leads to prosperity. All it takes is hard work, inspiration, and perspiration.

It takes Pookie getting off the coach, and earning her own money, instead of living off of those Americans who actually go to a job everyday.

During your “I won” Speech yesterday, you also said,

Those of us who have the privilege to serve this country have an obligation to do our job as best we can. We come from different parties, but we are Americans first. And that’s why disagreement cannot mean dysfunction. It can’t degenerate into hatred. The American people’s hopes and dreams are what matters, not ours. Our obligations are to them. Our regard for them compels us all, Democrats and Republicans, to cooperate, and compromise, and act in the best interests of our nation –- one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Allow me to translate. after all, ignorant ol’ crackas like myself, living here in America’s Heartland, may have trouble understanding a brilliant Hahvahd Graduate like yourself. What I believe you were saying was…

All of you peons need to understand who is charge around here. Dissent will not be tolerated. You will bow down and obey my commands, fulfilling my desire to make America a socialist nation. If you disagree with me, I will pout. Then, I will call you out, in front of the Main Stream Media, who will then attack you like a bunch of coyotes attacking a wounded deer. Placating the 47% is what is important…for as long as we give them their “benefits”, we Democrats will keep getting re-elected. And, if you Vichy Republicans want to keep your perks and privileged status, you will shut up and go along with whatever I want. Because, whatever I want, is what is best for the country…regardless of what Americans actually want. After all…what do they know?

Now, some of you may think that I am being a bit harsh with my translation. However, when you think about the present state of America The Beautiful, the harsh reality is…I was not harsh enough. There is no doubt in my mind that our Founding Fathers would be highly upset with today’s professional politicians and the Petulant President. Jefferson, Franklin, and Madison would read Congress the Riot Act. Gen. Washington would probably bust ol’ Scooter right in the proboscis.

You see, President Obama, that last line you threw in there: “one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all”…when you say it, it reeks of unfathomable hypocrisy.

For the last 5 years, you have done your best to divide this nation, through your rhetoric espousing Class Warfare.

You have sought to limit American Christians’ daily walk with God, while glorifying the political ideology of Islam, even though their most ardent practitioners want to behead each and every American, while American Christians simply want to be allowed to speak to someone who needs to hear the Good News about Jesus Christ. 

As far as liberty and justice are concerned, you and your Administration seem to be more concerned about protecting the “rights” of illegal immigrants, the Occupy Movement and Muslim Terrorists, than the rights of American Veterans to visit the National Monuments built to honor their sacrifice on our behalf.

To repeat my original question: What harm can my daily posts, which I have been writing since April of 2010, do to the Leader of the Free World? 

Sunshine illuminates everything.

Until He Comes,