Malia and the Mexican Munchkin Migration: “For the ‘Children'”

illegal immigrant gang bangersPresident Barack Hussein Obama is hosting a very special event in The People’s House  tonight.

The Daily Caller reports that

Two activists with the group Mi Familia Vota Education Fund will be honored as “Champions of Change” at a special White House ceremony.

Fernanda Zaragoza-Gomez, 19, a Colorado Mi Familia Vota canvasser, and Steven Arteaga Rodriguez, a Texas activist with the group, are both “DREAMers” who began their activism careers after applying for and gaining Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program established by Obama to provide living and working status for undocumented young immigrants.

The activist group, which has offices in six states, works for the goal of “expanding the electorate” through “direct, sustainable citizenship, voter registration, census education, GOTV and issue organizing in key states.”

Mi Familia Vota’s board of directors includes labor leader Eliseo Medina, who said in a 2010 speech that immigration reform will create a long-term progressive “governing coalition.”

“My father was deported and I never saw him again before he died,” honored activist Zaragoza-Gomez said in a statement. “I will keep working with Mi Familia Vota to grow Latino voter participation and push for commonsense immigration reform so that one day, other families won’t have to be separated, like I was from my father.”

While the White House is teaming with law enforcement officers, no arrests are expected to be made Tuesday.

The Daily Caller previously reported that Valerie Jarrett held a handful of secret meetings with illegal immigrant activists.

Is the Mexican Munchkin Migration a result of these activists meeting with Valerie Jarrett?

I have caught some flack over originating the term “Mexican Munchkin Migration”.

I love children..really, I do. Over my 55 years, I’ve had one of my own and have helped raise three step- sons. I’ve now got a 6-year-old grandson, whom I went swimming with on Saturday. Heck,  I have even taught Sunday school and vacation Bible school.

So, what am I doing, being mad at “kids”?

I guess, it’s because of two prominent news stories.

In the first story, 16-year-old Malia Obama, the daughter of the President of the United States, is working on the set of the new CBS series, Extant, starring Halle Berry as an astronaut on a solo space mission, who comes home pregnant.

E.T. phone home.

I know that she is simply there because CBS wants to suck up to their fallen messiah, Barack Hussein Obama., and she can’t help it that her dad is the worst President in United States History.

However, it seems like a flashback to the French Aristocracy, when the 16-year-old daughter of the President of the United States has a job and millions of Americans do not.

Perhaps they teach Television Production at that swanky private school, which she and her sister attend

The second story involving children (and I use the term loosely) is the continuing story of the Mexican Munchkin Migration, the pouring over of our Southern Border by tens of thousands of illegal aliens from South and Central American countries who are mysteriously arriving without their parents.

As I have reported before, these  illegal aliens are being housed wherever we can stick them.

The Obama administration is shipping tens of thousands of illegal aliens, all supposedly unaccompanied minors, to states across our country, using our tax dollars to feed transport house, and clothe them in an operation being kept so secret, that the Main Stream Media News Organizations are refusing to cover it.

Per the great Michelle Malkin, in an article posted on,

A source tipped me off last week to a curious occurrence: It seems that two planeloads of illegal aliens were recently shipped to Massachusetts. The first reportedly landed at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford. According to my tipster, approximately 160 illegal immigrants arrived on that flight and stayed nearly a week before being transferred to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) site and then released.

The second flight reportedly was diverted from Hanscom to Boston’s Logan Airport this past weekend. I am told that both Massachusetts and New Hampshire officials were on hand. I reached out to Hanscom AFB for confirmation but did not receive a call back by my deadline.

Question: How many other military bases are stealthily being used to redistribute, house, process, and release illegal border crossers?

What we do know for sure is that the Obama administration already has converted several other military bases across the country into outposts for tens of thousands of illegal aliens from Central and South America.

From what I have seen of the pictures of these children, a bunch of the little darlings look like Mexican Gang-Bangers to me.

All tattooed and no place to go.

So, with no job skills, that means that Uncle Sugar will take care of them.

Boys and girls, Uncle Sugar’s bankroll is our tax money.

That’s right. Obama is bringing all of these illegal aliens, who have no skill sets, up here to “take care of them”, as the rumor that is intentionally being spread throughout South and Central America, infers.

By the way, did you hear that when they got here, they started complaining about how the free food, which we were serving them, made him sick to their stomachs?

That’s gratitude for you.

Oh. And, United States Border Patrol Officers, who have been helping with the effort of warehousing these children down on the border have been sworn to secrecy as to what they have seen.

Let me try to wrap my head around this.

The president’s 16-year-old daughter is working on the set of a television program for CBS in a blatant conflict of interest, for a corporation who calls their news reporters “broadcast journalists”.

“Objective News Reporting”, my hindquarters.

Meanwhile, millions of Americans are unemployed, trying to figure out how to make ends meet  in a stagnant economy.

In the early 20th century, when Russian Vladimir Lenin led the revolution which overthrew the Czar, ushering in a Marxist Government, which turned out to be just as corrupt as the Czar’s, he did so on the back of the Bolsheviks, a bunch of thugs, who were just the kind of expendable trash an aspiring political leader needs to lay down their lives for a successful revolution.

So the question I have is this: Are all of these young, unaccompanied, minor, illegal aliens here for the purpose of being Obama and the Democrat Party’s new “Bolsheviks”?


As far as Malia’s job at CBS goes, well…every revolution needs useful idiots and there are perks which come with being the daughter of Dear Leader.

But, don’t worry Americans. After all, it’s “‘for the children'”.

Until He Comes,