From Child Stars to Train Wrecks…What Happened? (A KJ Rant…Err…Analysis)

Miley and JustinWhat is it with child stars nowadays?

Every time you turn on the news, one of the little critters is losing their mind and doing something stupid. Whether it is Miley Cyrus riding “nekkid” on a wrecking ball, Britney Spears shaving her head, or Lindsey Lohan…errr…umm…being Lindsey Lohan, each and every one of them nowadays seems to grow out of their common sense.

Take Justin Bieber… Please.

Alright, I know that was cheap shot, but he’s got it coming. Just yesterday, the moron was arrested racing down a neighborhood street, which his buddies had blocked off with their cars.

While this clown was being arrested, he launched into a stoned-out-of-his-mind verbal tirade against the police officers, that made “The Wolf of Wall Street” seem like “The Sound of Music”.

So, what is the reason that all these former child stars are losing their minds in such a fashion, as they get older? Is it the “Bird in a Gilded Cage Finally Free” Syndrome? Is it hormones? Are their chakras out of alignment? Have they all joined up with Barack Obama on the Choom Gang?

I truly believe that the rising occurrence of child stars losing their minds as they grow older, coincides with the breakup of the Family Unit and the moving away from Christianity in this nation.

The difference between the child stars of today and the child stars of the 1960’s is very evident. Yes, there were a number of those 1960s stars who lost their way, as they got older, but, it was nowhere near as commonplace as it is now.

What part does the child star’s parents play in their flame-out?

We have all heard the expression “stage mother”, or in the case of Billy Ray Cyrus, “stage father”. These are parents who want to manage their offspring’s career, much to the chagrin of Hollywood professionals. Often, the professional aspirations of the parents exceed those of their child and they push their little darling into show business, whether the child wants to be there or not. In these instances, where the child star is actually living out their parent’s dream, it comes as no surprise that they lose their mind when they reach the age of consent.

Then, you have those parents who want to be their child star’s best friend, just like in the real world. I know you have seen them. These are the parents whose child runs over them and they cannot figure out why they do not mind. The difference between a normal parent and child relationship and the relationship between a child star and their parents is the number of people who see the child when they misbehave. When a normal person’s child misbehaves, their actions are only seen by and influence a limited number of people. When a child star misbehaves, the whole world knows about it.

And, by the time they reach the age of Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, those permissive parents have no control over their offspring, whatsoever.

Billy Ray often has referred to the style of parenting which he used with Miley as laissez faire parenting.

I call it lazy.

Billy Ray’s, and his estranged wife’s lack of parental guidance has produced a degenerate young woman, joining the infamous ranks of  Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan.

Think about this: a young fresh-faced, pre-teen girl, who was once marketed as the role model for young teens, with her likeness on clothes, lunch boxes, notebooks, and backpacks, in the center aisle of Walmarts around the world, transformed into a then-20 year 0ld, with her rear up in the air, on all fours, like she was a canine in heat, on the MTV Video Music Awards, seen around the world.

The 24-Hour News Cycle does not help matters one bit. These young stars are under the spotlight from dawn to dusk…. and are then chased around town by the paparazzi, late into the night.

Add unscrupulous “handlers” to the mix, and you have the definition of a Walking Disaster, waiting to happen.

Without  the support of a strong family unit and a belief in Christ, the only place for these young people to learn values and morals are from all of their “Bad Idea” Friends out there in Hollywood. And, unfortunately, as we are seeing in the cases of Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, along with their common sense, their fresh-faced innocence goes straight out the window.

Like the unfortunate Britney Spears, they become  has-beens before their time. That is, if they don’t die from an overdose first, like Heath Ledger and River Phoenix did.

There seems to be a lot of Americans out there who enjoy watching these once seemingly-innocent child stars become degenerate train wrecks.

I don’t. I see the washed-out shell that they have become and wonder what might have been.

I remember watching black comedian, D.L. Hughley, perform. When someone in the audience would get too rowdy, he would tell them that they need Jesus. Of course, he meant that as a joke.

However, in the case of these rapidly falling stars, it is a fact.

Until He Comes,