Biden and the New World Order

bidensmirkIn a speech, given last week, before the Import-Export Bank ,which has now gone viral, United States Vice-President “Crazy Uncle Joe” Biden said,

The task we have now is to actually create a new world order. Because the global order is changing again, and the institutions that have worked so well in the post-World War II era for decades, they need to be strengthened, and some have to be changed. So we have to do what we do best, we have to lead. We have to lead. We have to update the global rules of the road. We have to do it in a way that maximize benefits for everyone, because obviously, it’s overwhelmingly in our interest, this is not a zero sum game, it’s overwhelmingly in our interest that China prosper, that Mongolia prosper, that nations big and large, east and west, in Latin America and in Africa, prosper, because you know that old expression, they asked Willie Sutton why he robbed banks, he said ‘that’s where the money is.’ We want everybody to have a little money to make sure they can buy American products. So the paradox — so we don’t view, the President and I and Fred [Hochberg, President of the Export-Import Bank], we don’t view economic growth as a zero sum game here, that somehow we grow and it’s not in our interests if other powers grow as well. That’s the paradox of this new global order. So much of our success depends on the success of those with whom we compete.

Many political pundits have been  quick to respond with the explanation that he was talking about a competitive Global Economy, and how that competition is good for everybody involved.

Because they know that the “tin-foil hat crowd” will be quick to jump on that phrase with all kinds of conspiracy theories.

The question to be asked is: Can there ever be a “New World Order”?

I mean, the UN is already looking to stick its nose into the state of our firearms. What’s next?

The term “Globalization” describes the reality of increased technological, economic, and cultural inter-connectedness between nations. In a globalized economy, economic activity is unrestricted by time zones or national boundaries. Labor forces, ideas, knowledge, products, and services are shared between nations. This trend has been growing exponentially since the 1980s, as technological advances (most importantly involving the growth of the internet and advances in telecommunications) have made it very simple for people to travel, communicate, and do business internationally.

Proponents of globalization make the case that, since the 1980s, every nation that has grown in manufacturing output has also seen its per capita income increase. Nations open to trade tend to be much more prosperous than nations with closed economies and the increased wages created by globalization lead to reduced poverty and improved living conditions for all. (supposedly)

The most impressive example of this can be found in East Asia.

With this brave, new, inter-connected world, theoretically, it would only take one mega-maniacal billionaire to totally screw up the Global Economy.

For example…

George Soros set up the now famous Quantum Fund as one of the world’s first Hedge Funds. It took money from the wealthy and invested in risky but potentially highly profitable international deals.

It did very well out of the collapse of fixed exchange rates in the 1970s and the deregulation of global capital markets. By 1980, George Soros was worth more than £16.5 million and his fund £67 million. The stage was set for his intervention in the Exchange Rate Mechanism, a system established in 1979 for controlling exchange rates within the European Monetary System of the European Union(EU) that was intended to prepare the way for a single currency.

Around spring 1992, Soros had decided that the pound would have to be devalued because it had been pushed into the Exchange Rate Mechanism at too high a rate.

He knew that the Bundesbank was in favor of a devaluation of both sterling and the Italian lira and believed it would have to happen because of the disastrous impact that high British interest rates were having on asset prices.

Soros spent the next few months in preparation to profit from that devaluation. He borrowed sterling heavily, reportedly to the tune of £6.5 billion, and converted that into a mixture of Deutschmarks and French francs.

On Black Wednesday, September 16, 1992, Soros won his bet.  The UK Conservative government was forced to withdraw the Pound from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) due to pressure by currency speculators, most notably Soros, himself.

In the following days, he took care of business, paying back what he borrowed and ending with a profit of around £1 billion.  At the same time, Soros bought as much as £350 million of British shares, gambling that equities often rise after a currency devalues.

He later admitted that his actions had benefited no one but himself.

With America’s economy struggling to recover, and American industry being taxed into oblivion, our American Corporations (you remember them, the ones who actually hire people?) have been hightailing it out of the country, to friendlier foreign locations. Even so, several European nations are worse off economically, than we are, and on the verse of anarchy.

With all of the instability in the world’s economic picture, it is not quite the rosy picture that Biden and his boss, The Lightbringer, want to paint it as.

The Book of Revelation warns us what is coming. How many will listen?

Until He Comes,


4 thoughts on “Biden and the New World Order

  1. yoda

    Crazy Uncle Joe said New World Order and meant New World Order while the libs continue to cover for what is actually happening so it is done slowly and is accepted by the dumbed-down Skittle eaters.


  2. Gohawgs

    Biden has no filter. Whether it was disclosing the secret location built within the VP’s residence or this (mis)administration’s aims to limit gun ownership or this new world order…

    It’ll be interesting (and most likely cringeworthy) to hear what he says when attending Thatcher’s funeral…


  3. nancy

    I remember reading a globalization artilcle by H. Clinton, glowing
    about how the far east will be the new superpower in the globalized
    world. My take is…The corp. will profit plenty with cheap labor, the US will go into poverty for lack of jobs, until everyone is willing to work for next to nothing. I wish we could ship the traitors over there and see how they like working for a few dollars a day if that. The new Globalization they are selling equals world poverty except for the owners. Clinton, Biden and the like have sold their soul to the company store a long time ago.


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