Trump, Cruz, and the “New American Revolution”

thqga0gcfl (2)Something both remarkable and historic happened on the Floor of the United States Senate, yesterday.

Courtesy of Friday’s Rush Limbaugh Show…

…I asked the majority leader very directly what was the deal that was just cut on TPA and was there a deal for the Export-Import Bank.  It was a direct question I asked the majority leader in front of all the Republicans senators.  The majority leader was visibly angry with me that I would ask such a question, and the majority leader looked at me and said, “There is no deal, there is no deal, there is no deal.”  Like St. Peter, he repeated it three times.  TPA moved on.  As it evergreen to the house it became abundantly there was a deal.  There was a deal in the house for the Export-Import Bank.  And so the second time TPA come up, I voted “no” because of that corrupt deal.

…I urge the majority leader, invoke cloture on Senator Rubio’s amendment, calling on Iran to recognize Israel’s right to exist and setting that as a precondition any lifting of sanctions.  I argued vociferously with the majority leader that if the Democrats were so opposed to voting on that amendment, that was all the more reason ’cause it was important substantively, and the majority leader said no, he would not do so — that invoking cloture on an amendment was an extraordinary step, and he wouldn’t do so.  So, he cut off every amendment — the same procedural abuse that Harry Reid did over and over and over again in this body. Now, the Republican leader is behaving like the senior senator from Nevada.

…There is a pronounced it disappointment among the American people, because we keep winning elections, and then we keep getting leaders who don’t do anything they promised.  The American people were told, “You know, the problem is the Senate. If only we get a Republican majority in the Senate and retire Harry Reid as majority leader, then things will be different.”  What has that majority done?  We came back and passed a trillion-dollar Cromnibus plan, filled with pork and corporate welfare.  That was the very first thing we did.  Then this Republican majority voted to fund Obamacare, voted to fund President Obama’s unconstitutional executive  amnesty, and then leadership rammed through the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as attorney general.  Madam President, which of those decisions would be one iota difference if Harry Reid were still majority leader? Not a one.

On a related note, it was also reported yesterday, that, according to polls taken after Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump, stood up to Octogenarian and Former Failed Presidential Candidate, US Senator John McCain, that the bold and brash American Entrepreneur is still comfortably ahead of the other Republican Presidential Hopefuls.

Did you watch Popeye cartoons as a kid?

I sure did. From the black and white ones, to the later ones, where they changed the name of Popeye’s enemy from “Brutus” to “Bluto”.

The late Robin Williams, while he was in the process of  learning the voice of Popeye for the live action movie in which she starred, told an interviewer that when Popeye was mumbling to himself, he was actually cursing in those old black and white cartoons.

But, I digress…

I believe that what Senator Ted Cruz did yesterday, mirrors the feelings of the majority of the American people.

To paraphrase the words of Popeye,

We’ve had all we can stands, we just can’t stands no more.

I’m not shy about stating that I like Senator Ted Cruz. He is a straight shooter, who is not afraid to tell it like it is.

The Republican Establishment, or Vichy Republicans, as I have dubbed them, are pushing potential Presidential Candidates for 2016 whose platforms are so similar to those of their potential Democrat Opponents are to be virtually indistinguishable.

Oblivious of their past failures (i.e., Dole, McCain, and Romney), while pursuing their milksop Political Philosophy, the Vichy Republicans, or GOPe, as an internet friend has named them, cling to their mission to hold onto their cushy Seats of Power, recently given to them last November by us, their Conservative Base, by playing an old, tired political game.

Make no mistake, they will defend the Washingtonian Status Quo to their last breath, and savage anyone who threatens it, with the help of their allies from “across the aisle”, the Democrats and their minions in the Main Stream media. Look at how they have attacked Senator Ted Cruz and Donald J. Trump.

They have called them both everything but Children of God.

However, they are not the first outspoken Republican Politicians to be attacked in this manner, in this generation.  That honor belonged to the greatest United States President in our lifetime.

On March 1, 1975, the Great Communicator and Future President of the United States, Ronald Wilson Reagan, spoke the following words at the 2nd Annual CPAC Convention. He may as well have been speaking yesterday.

I don ‘t know about you, but I am impatient with those Republicans who after the last election rushed into print saying, “We must broaden the base of our party” — when what they meant was to fuzz up and blur even more the differences between ourselves and our opponents.

It was a feeling that there was not a sufficient difference now between the parties that kept a majority of the voters away from the polls. When have we ever advocated a closed-door policy? Who has ever been barred from participating?

Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?

Let us show that we stand for fiscal integrity and sound money and above all for an end to deficit spending, with ultimate retirement of the national debt.

Let us also include a permanent limit on the percentage of the people’s earnings government can take without their consent.

Let our banner proclaim a genuine tax reform that will begin by simplifying the income tax so that workers can compute their obligation without having to employ legal help.

And let it provide indexing — adjusting the brackets to the cost of living — so that an increase in salary merely to keep pace with inflation does not move the taxpayer into a surtax bracket. Failure to provide this means an increase in government’s share and would make the worker worse off than he was before he got the raise.

Let our banner proclaim our belief in a free market as the greatest provider for the people. Let us also call for an end to the nit-picking, the harassment and over-regulation of business and industry which restricts expansion and our ability to compete in world markets.

Let us explore ways to ward off socialism, not by increasing government’s coercive power, but by increasing participation by the people in the ownership of our industrial machine.

Our banner must recognize the responsibility of government to protect the law-abiding, holding those who commit misdeeds personally accountable.

And we must make it plain to international adventurers that our love of peace stops short of “peace at any price.”

We will maintain whatever level of strength is necessary to preserve our free way of life.

A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers.

I do not believe I have proposed anything that is contrary to what has been considered Republican principle. It is at the same time the very basis of conservatism. It is time to reassert that principle and raise it to full view. And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way.

Timeless Advice.

Liberals are beside themselves trying to figure out why Donald Trump is leading all of the other Republican candidates, several of whom more closely mirror their own political ideology, as I mentioned earlier.

Both Trump and Senator Cruz are striking a resident note with the majority of American people because they are saying the things which we would like to say to these professional politicians, who have forgotten who gave them their phony baloney jobs.

Liberals, during the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, have had their way in the course of a great many things.

Plain talk and forthrighteousness have been replaced by weasel words and political correctness.

The fulfilling of promises made to constituencies by Republican politicians, has been replaced by “Vichy Republicans” “going along to get along” with their drinking buddies from across the Political Aisle.

Just as the colonists revolted against taxation without representation, I believe that we are seeing the beginning of a revolt by average Americans, like you and me, living here in the Heartland of America, who have had enough of lies and broken promises, given to them, by politicians who are supposed to be serving them and not the other way around.

The recent backlash against Barack Hussein Obama’s reluctance to lower the American flag on all government buildings after the massacre of five of our Brightest and Best, after he and Valerie Jarret immediately bathed the White House is a rainbow of spotlights, after the Political Activists in the Supreme Court legalized Gay Marriage, is just a prelude to what I believe that we will see next.

The American people are getting ready to exercise their Constitutional Right to determine the future of our nation, in a mighty way in November of 2016.

I have a Word of Warning to the Republicans on Capitol Hill:

It is time to man up, boys and girls, and actually represent your constituencies, and not yourself.

As actor Kevin Kline, playing the title role in the movie “Dave”, in which he impersonated the president of United States, said about the presidency,

This is just a temp job, at best.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Get the hint, Republicans.

Lead, follow…or, get out of the way.

Until He Comes,


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