The Long, Hot Summer of 2016: The Charlotte Riots…Follow The Money (A KJ Analysis)


Riots erupted in Charlotte, North Carolina again last night.

The Charlotte Observer reports that

Protests turned violent for a second night in Charlotte after Tuesday’s fatal police shooting of a black man. Late Wednesday, Gov. Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency for the city and deployed the National Guard and State Highway Patrol troopers to assist local police.

One person was shot at the protest and was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, Medic said. The city initially reported that he died, but later retracted that, saying he was on life-support.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

The shooting was “civilian on civilian,” the city tweeted. “@CMPD did not fire shot.”

The Charlotte Clergy Coalition for Justice questioned the city’s account. The coalition said several of its members were just 10 feet from the victim when he was shot.

“I saw the man go down on the pavement,” Minister Steve Knight of Missiongathering Christian Church in Charlotte said in a statement from the coalition. “It was an ambush. The victim was shot while he stood between two ministers, and we believe he was shot by police. We would like to see surveillance video from the surrounding area that may have captured the shooting to determine who was responsible for the shooting.”

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.

“Your life is in danger, you need to move!” police in riot gear yelled.

At 9:45 p.m., police fired rubber bullets at the crowd.

At the request of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney, the State Highway Patrol is sending in troopers to assist CMPD, Gov. Pat McCrory said late Wednesday.

“The state has many additional assets nearby to assist,” McCrory said. “Any violence directed toward our citizens or police officers or destruction of property should not be tolerated.”

Rush Limbaugh analyzed the situation in Charlotte on his nationally-syndicated radio talk show, yesterday, as only he can. Pay close attention to the question Rush asked at the end of this snippet from his show.

Now, stop and think about this.  Where are we here?  We’re in the United States of America.  We are in the second term of the presidency of the first African-American president ever elected in this country, a former community organizer — ah — agitator, organizer, same thing, who promised and assured us, via hope and change, that none of this would survive the presidency. This kind of thing was destined for the ash heap. 

We aren’t going to have these kinds of divisive squabbles any longer because the election of the first African-American president would finally mean that we had matured and that we had seen the error of our sinful past.  The election the first African-American president, not just that act, but the man himself with his promises and his assurances is going to unify us, the country was going to become one, the nation was going to be loved by all the peoples of the world, and, via hope and change, there would be an unbridled optimism that would spread coast to coast, east to west, north to south, all across this country. 

And now look where we are.  We’re nowhere.  In fact, not only are we nowhere near that, we have regressed.  We have regressed and we are in the process of regressing, specifically in the area of race relations, but in general throughout our culture.  Our culture is being roiled.  Our society is being torn asunder.  It is happening with happiness on the part of those doing the asundering.  They are gleeful and feel like they have an objective to accomplish here by further division, creating angst. 

There doesn’t seem to be any desire for hope and change to mean anything positive.  There doesn’t even seem to be any desire to want to try to unify to get along.  Is it a coincidence?  It seems like whenever the police anywhere — in Charlotte you have a black chief; you have a largely African-American city government; you have a largely black police force.  And I think in the case of Charlotte you have an African-American cop.  Why?  Wasn’t the election of these people and wasn’t the commensurate rise in political power for African-Americans to mayoralties and city councils, wasn’t that supposed to also bring about, not an end, I mean, nothing ever ends, but why are things getting worse here? 

You could look at this in some ways and say that our country, the people in our country, have actually tried to bring a halt to this.  The majority of people in this country have done a lot of what they think they can do to demonstrate that they are not racists.  African-Americans are routinely elected to positions of power all over this country, particularly in the Deep South.  And yet it doesn’t seem to have mattered.  Why is that? 

I wish it had mattered.  It doesn’t seem to, though.  Black Lives Matter gets into gear no matter the specific circumstances of any particular police event now.  It doesn’t matter what the details are.  We have a police event, a cop draws a weapon, cop fires a weapon, that’s all we need to know. It’s all we need to know and we’re gonna get into gear, and we’re gonna find something to protest all in the second term of the first African-American president in this country who promised and assured us that these are the kinds of things that would cease. These are the kinds of things that we were going to finally be able to get past. 

I’m telling you, we are regressing and it’s a shame.  It’s just an abject shame.  When I say “nobody wants this,” I’m talking about reasonable people.  Nobody wants this, what’s happening in Tulsa today, last night, Charlotte, nobody wants this.  But some do.  Some are feeding off of it.  Not new, I know.  But I keep going back to hope and change.  This was supposed to end because there was supposed to be hope.  The election of Barack Hussein O, that meant there was hope, that means that we had changed direction, we were headed in a new direction, a positive direction. 

There was to be a new sensitivity, a new awareness. In fact, people on the left were using the term “postracial society” to describe what the country would be like after the election of Barack Hussein Obama.  We’re not post- anything.  We’re worse post.  We’re ipso post.  We’re whatever is happening.  It ain’t for the better.  We are digressing, we are regressing, and it’s just downright shame.  

Black Lives Matter goes to the White House and gets praised to the hilt.  Black Lives Matter gets honored at the White House.  My question is, were they radicalized before they went to the White House or after they left the White House?  Well, it’s a fair question, is it not?  When did Black Lives Matter become really radicalized, before they went to the Oval Office or after?  Well, it seems like violence and property destruction are the judge-and-jury justice that we have today. 

The mob determines right and wrong and then hands down the sentence then and there. The Justice Department watches from afar, and after everybody gets through tearing up a town, the Justice Department walks in there with Loretta Lynch and claims, “The police department’s racist! We’re gonna have to take it over, and we’re gonna have to impose our federal guidelines.  Charlotte, you’re next.  Tulsa, we’ll be there before the end of the year before Obama’s term’s up.  Thank you.”  I don’t know, folks.  It’s just nobody wants this — except those who do — and it’s a hell of a thing.

But when you ask, “Who profits?  Who benefits?”  Somebody is.  Somebody does.  

The mob determines right and wrong and then hands down the sentence then and there. The Justice Department watches from afar, and after everybody gets through tearing up a town, the Justice Department walks in there with Loretta Lynch and claims, “The police department’s racist! We’re gonna have to take it over, and we’re gonna have to impose our federal guidelines.  Charlotte, you’re next.  Tulsa, we’ll be there before the end of the year before Obama’s term’s up.  Thank you.”  I don’t know, folks.  It’s just nobody wants this — except those who do — and it’s a hell of a thing.

But when you ask, “Who profits?  Who benefits?”  Somebody is.  Somebody doesThe mob determines right and wrong and then hands down the sentence then and there. The Justice Department watches from afar, and after everybody gets through tearing up a town, the Justice Department walks in there with Loretta Lynch and claims, “The police department’s racist! We’re gonna have to take it over, and we’re gonna have to impose our federal guidelines.  Charlotte, you’re next.  Tulsa, we’ll be there before the end of the year before Obama’s term’s up.  Thank you.”  I don’t know, folks.  It’s just nobody wants this — except those who do — and it’s a hell of a thing.

But when you ask, “Who profits?  Who benefits?”  Somebody is.  Somebody does.   

Who indeed.

A couple of months ago,  the New York Times published a poll which showed that

Sixty-nine percent of Americans say race relations are generally bad, one of the highest levels of discord since the 1992 riots in Los Angeles during the Rodney King case, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

The poll, conducted from Friday, the day after the killing of five Dallas police officers, until Tuesday, found that six in 10 Americans say race relations were growing worse, up from 38 percent a year ago.

Racial discontent is at its highest point in the Obama presidency and at the same level as after the riots touched off by the1992 acquittal of Los Angeles police officers charged in Mr. King’s beating.

Relations between black Americans and the police have become so brittle that more than half of black people say they were not surprised by the attack that killed five police officers and wounded nine others in Dallas last week. Nearly half of white Americans say that they, too, were unsurprised by the episode, the survey found.

Despite President Obama’s insistence at a memorial service for the fallen officers that the races in the United States are “not as divided as we seem,” the poll found that black and white Americans hold starkly different views on race, particularly regarding the treatment of African-Americans by the police.

Asked whether the police in most communities are more likely to use deadly force against a black person than a white person, three-quarters of African-Americans answered yes, and only about half as many white people agree. Fifty-six percent of whites said that the race of the suspect made no difference in the use of force; only 18 percent of black Americans said so.

When asked to rate the job their local police department was doing, four in five whites said excellent or good; a majority of blacks answered fair or poor. More than two-fifths of black people say the police in their communities make them feel more anxious than safe. By wide margins, whites and Hispanics say the police make them feel safer.

…Black and white opinion is sharply divided on the aims and the approach of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Seventy percent of African-Americans are sympathetic to the movement, compared with only 37 percent of whites. Among all Americans, 41 percent agree with the movement, 25 percent disagree and 29 percent do not have an opinion either way.

And, the question remains, who is profiting from stoking the embers of radical strife and division in America?

As I have written previously, there are two main profiteers from keeping the current state of racial animus in America dividing us as a people:

  • The “Money Man” behind Black Lives Matters is the Puppetmaster, himself, George Soros, as The Washington Times reports…

With the backing of national civil rights organizations and Mr. Soros‘ funding, “Black Lives Matter” grew from a hashtag into a social media phenomenon, including a #BlackLivesMatter bus tour and march in September.

“More than 500 of us have traveled from Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Portland, Tucson, Washington, D.C., Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and other cities to support the people of Ferguson and help turn a local moment into a national movement,” wrote Akiba Solomon, a journalist at Colorlines, describing the event.

Colorlines is an online news site that focuses on race issues and is published by Race Forward, a group that received $200,000 from Mr. Soros’s foundation in 2011. Colorlines has published tirelessly on the activities in Ferguson and heavily promoted the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and activities.

At the end of the #BlackLivesMatter march, organizers met with civil rights groups like the Organization for Black Struggle and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment to strategize their operations moving forward, Ms. Solomon wrote. OBS and MORE are also funded by Mr. Soros.

Mr. Soros gave $5.4 million to Ferguson and Staten Island grass-roots efforts last year to help “further police reform, accountability and public transparency,” the Open Society Foundations said in a blog post in December. About half of those funds were earmarked to Ferguson, with the money primarily going to OBS and MORE, the foundation said.

OBS and MORE, along with the Dream Defenders, established the “Hands Up Coalition” — another so-called “grass-roots” organization in Missouri, whose name was based on now-known-to-be-false claims that Brown had his hands up before being shot. The Defenders were built to rally support and awareness for the Trayvon Martin case and were funded by the Tides Foundation, another recipient of Soros cash.

Hands Up Coalition has made it its mission to recruit and organize youth nationwide to start local events in their communities — trying to take Ferguson nationwide.  

  • During the Democratic National Convention, while the DNC was scrambling to find   some American Flags to put on view inside the convention hall, after Americans noticed that they were purposefully left out of the proceedings, and Millennial Icon Bernie Sanders was selling out to “the Establishment Democrats that he had promised to fight “for the people”, on the other side of the “security fence”, the “peasants” were revolting.

Their reason?

After months of campaigning on the promising of usher in an eras of more “FREE STUFF’, both Self-Proclaimed Socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and the Queen of Mean and now-Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton are embracing the illusion of the Democratic Party being “Moderate” in their Political Ideology, while trying to sucker those on the Far Left into believing that they still matter in the scheme of things.

Instead, the peasants are not being fooled and they are revolting.

(Yeah. They stink on ice. – Mel Brooks, “The History of the World, Part I”)

Unrequited love is so sad, isn’t it?

Why are Far Left Democrats (which nowadays describes the overwhelming majority of the Party) so enamored of Socialist Politicians? defines socialism as:

…any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

…a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

…a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

The desensitization and placating of the Middle Class, as it was in classic Marxist Theory, is a key element of the Present and Future Platform of the Democrat Party, as it has been during the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

By taking the ambition of the Middle Class away, by offering a “safe and comfortable” cradle-to-grave Nanny-State, “Uncle Sugar” Federal Government, the Democrat Party, ever since the launch of LBJ’s “Great Society”, have bought the loyalty of  American voters by giving them bribes of “free” money and “benefits”.

Unfortunately, as Mitt Romney alluded to during his failed bid for the Presidency, there is a great percentage of American voters who will buy and be content with this “Mother’s milk”, instead of yearning for the thrill and the challenge of the hunt for American Individual Success and Freedom.

The Marxist Ideal of

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need

has become the mantra of the Modern Democratic Party, which has become extremely adept at promising the Moon and handing out free stuff to its voting base, in order to maintain their Seats of Power and to continue to grow the Politboro, or Central Government.

Norman Matoon Thomas (1884-1968) was a six-time Presidential Candidate,  representing the Socialist Party of America.  In a campaign interview in 1948, he said the following:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

However, just like the Marxists before them, today’s Marxists can be bought off.

According to rumors, Bernie Sanders was co-opted into publicly supporting Monica Lewinsky’s boyfriend’s wife through the offer of his own airplane.

That makes sense.  That and the fact that he does not wish to be the victim of a “mysterious death” in his future.

Thanks to a highly politicized, propaganda-filled Department of Education, which has “dumbed down” a generation of voters, the “easy money” solution to poverty, promised by Socialists such as Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, “tickles the ears” of low information voters, the same voting bloc who continue to support Barack Hussein Obama and his failed Presidency.

Hence, the Democrats’ claim of supporting Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders and his Wannabe-Socialist Millennials.

Not to mention the Police Line-up of  guest speakers representing the “downtrodden” and ‘marginalized” that they hand-picked to show that the millionaire Hillary Clinton is “down with the struggle”.

Just like the Politboro before them, this wannabe “New Politboro”, like their sitting President, Barack Hussein Obama,  is quite adept at using human beings for stage props for propaganda purposes.

They bring dishonesty to a level not seen since Kurt Russell played Used Car Salesman Extraordinaire Rudy Russo in the movie, “Used Cars”.

By encouraging racial animus and keeping people blinded to the opportunities for individual accomplishment in America, Democratic Politicians and “community organizers” ensure their own employment and prosperity at the expense of those whom they are supposed to be “helping”.

The situation in Charlotte, as revealed by several sources yesterday, was ignited by a false narrative, that Scott had a book, instead of a gun in his hand.

The gun was found. The book was not.

By encouraging the lawlessness happening in Charlotte, those behind it and those other riots which we have seen under the reign of King Barack The First, are attempting to hold onto Political Power and to further their own Political Ideology.

Their is nothing noble about this “cause”…at all.

These riots are being encouraged by those behind them to increase the subjugation of the poor…not eradicate it.

Until He Comes,


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