Trump Engages in Locker Room Talk. Ambassador Christopher Stephens Remains Unavailable for Comment.

As I have written before, the very first time that I ever voted, was for the office of the US Presidency in 1980.

I was privileged to vote for Ronald Wilson Reagan.

I can remember during the lead up to that election that the Main Stream Media were attacking Reagan over his age.

I thought to myself at the time that it was the lowest thing that I had ever seen in politics.

I also thought that the Democratic party had to be very desperate in order to infer that a man’s effectiveness as a leader was measured by his age.

Little did I know, as a twenty-two-year-old, that, to paraphrase an old saying,

I ain’t seen nothing, yet.

The Washington Post reports that

Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,”on a bus with the show’s name written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s cameo on the soap opera.

Late Friday night, following sharp criticism by Republican leaders, Trump issued a short video statement saying, “I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.” But he also called the revelation “a distraction from the issues we are facing today.” He said that his “foolish” words are much different than the words and actions of Bill Clinton, whom he accused of abusing women, and Hillary Clinton, whom he accused of having “bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims.”

Wow. What a revelation. Donald Trump likes women.

According to Yoko Ono and others, so does Hillary Clinton.

But, I digress…

This has to be one of the biggest exercises in hypocrisy that I have ever seen.

Modern American Liberals are the same ones who brought us a crucifix in a jar of urine and a painting of Christ with elephant dung smeared all over it, applauding them both as avant-garde art and the “artists” who created those vile exhibits as “artistic geniuses”.

The same followers of the political philosophy who have been supporters  of relative morality and situational ethics, are now acting so grossly offended by an 11-year-old video of Donald J.Trump engaging in a private conversation with a friend, in which he used a word that can be heard in every men’s and boys’ locker room across this nation, that they are curled up in their safe spaces, clutching their pearls and their blankie, sucking their thumbs, and crying out for their Mommy to “make the bad man stop”.

The overwhelming hypocrisy of it all is that they want Americans to be so reviled by Donald Trump’s use of that word that they overlook the documented fact that Bill Clinton is a Serial Adulterer and that Hillary Clinton swears like a drunken sailor and has admitted in documents released by Julian Assange yesterday that she is “far removed from the troubles of Middle Class Americans”.

Pardon the vulgarity, but the Democratic Presidential Candidate does not give a s*** about you and me.

In 2016, the name Hillary Rodham Clinton has already become synonymous with the untrustworthy nature of professional politicians.

A President of the United States must be trustworthy, not only for the reassurance of its citizens that they will do the right thing when a crisis occurs, but also for the assurance of our overseas allies, that we will have their backs in case of a crisis in their nation.

Whether the revelation of “the gift” of massive quantities of Uranium to the Russians or the formation of an Iranian Connection, as a result of money given to the Clinton Foundation,  as was previously  reported in 2015, or the recent revelation involving “dual-staffer” Cheryl Mills, the Clinton Foundation Scandal is not just a scandal involving money and unscrupulous political ladder-climbing through the peddling of “favors”, the actions of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State crossed the line into the abhorrent abyss of a Conflict of Interest involving possible Treason.

Time and time again, from Watergate to Travelgate to Benghazigate, and now to Emailgate, Hillary Clinton has proven to be a ruthless, untrustworthy, Machiavellian professional politician, who only cares about herself and her ascension to the Presidency of the United States of America.

Even during the Mythical “Co-Presidency” of the Clintons, slovenly adored by their minions in the Democrat Party and the Main Stream Media there was, as the late, great Paul Harvey used to say, “a rest of the story”.

Bill Clinton was inaugurated as the 42nd President of the United States of America on January 20, 1993.  Standing right behind him…and pushing hard was Hillary Rodham Clinton, by now widely acknowledged to be the more-driven, and politically ambitious one of the couple.

Billed as “the New Camelot” by the Main Stream Media, the Clintons strode arm-in-arm into their castle to preside over their new kingdom, where Progressivism in the name of “Moderation” would be the Law of the Land.

However, just as the reign of Arthur and Guinevere ended badly, into the Clintons’ storybook “Co-Presidency”, “a little rain” fell in the form of scandals and quite a few “Bimbo Eruptions” which brought about an inglorious end to all of their “peace and harmony”.

The raw, unmitigated corruption involving Hillary Clinton and her Foundation, revealed over the past year, along with these new revelations contained in the material released yesterday by Julian Assange, is breath-taking in its size and scope, as more and more unscrupulous details are being revealed.

And, now the latest “Squirrel!” Moment, designed to distract Americans is a video which proves the already-well-known fact that Donald J. Trump likes women.

So did John F. Kennedy.

Donald Trump used a vulgar word.

Lyndon Baines Johnson used millions of them, including the “N” word.

There was only one Perfect Man.

Judging from the overall track record of Donald J. Trump, his economic success, and the charitable things that he has done for Americans behind the scenes,  for which he neither sought nor received any publicity for, and his other public accomplishments, along with his stated love for this country and his wish for us to prosper economically and once again resume our place as Leader of the Free World, as an average American, I will be voting for him in November of 2016 to become our next President.

America has endured enough duplicity and political chicanery in the last 7 years to last us for centuries. The deleterious effect of the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama has left a stain of incompetent leadership and out-of-control political correctness which will take years to wash away.

America and the rest of the Free World cannot afford the devastating effects of a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

Just like the Broadcast Networks have ended just about all of their soap operas which aired on their channels on a daily basis, Americans need to pull the plug on the failed leadership and the legacy which Barack Hussein Obama is leaving behind.

Personally, as I cast my vote in that voting booth this November as to whom to put behind the desk in the Oval Office…

I will remember the image of a lone terrorist, brandishing a machine gun, standing in front of the burning Benghazi Consulate.

I will also remember the image of Benghazi Barbarians dragging a murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens through the streets, taking pictures every few yards, with their cell phones.

My mind will envision the image of two brave Americans, up on a roof holding off 100 Muslim Terrorists, trying desperately to hold out for help which was denied to them, until finally the overwhelming numbers which comprise the horde of barbarians, murdered them as well.

I will imagine Ambassador Stevens’ elderly mother, making the trip from the West Coast to the East Coast to pick up the lifeless body of her abused and murdered son, whom she and her entire family were so proud of.

Finally, I will remember the show of hypocrisy involving members of this anti-American Administration, including then-Secretary of State Clinton, solemnly welcoming the bodies of those brave Americans home. And, it is on that day in November, standing in that voting booth while exercising my God-given Right as an American Citizen, that I will show Hillary Clinton, “what difference it makes”.

To paraphrase Val Kilmer as “Doc Holiday” in the Great Modern Western Movie “Tombstone”,

The hypocrisy of Modern American Liberals knows no bounds.

Until He Comes,



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