Pelosi Says Democratic Party is About “Honoring the Vows of Our Founders”…No, Really


“Embrace the suck” – Nancy Pelosi, 12/12/13 reports that

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said in her weekly press briefing on Thursday that the Democratic Party is about “honoring the vows of our founders”.

“Our values are about supporting America’s working families, about honoring the vows of our Founders, about honoring the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, honoring the aspirations of our children,” she said.

“That is why we vote so much alike because we have shared values,” she said.

Here is the excerpt from Pelosi’s press conference where she explains how her party shares the values of the Founders:

“We recognize our differences across the country, and we know what brings us together are our values, and our values are about supporting America’s working families, about honoring the vows of our Founders, about honoring the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, honoring the aspirations of our children.

“That is why we vote so much alike because we have shared values. And I’ll just close, as I always close, because it’s going to be Fourth of July, and I say this almost every time I come together with people, perhaps not you yet, but our Founders gave us their guidance, and it became our guidance: E pluribus unum–from many, one. They couldn’t possibly know how many we would be or how different we would be from each other, but they knew we had to be one, and we must be unifying in our–when we win, we must be bipartisan, we must be transparent and open and we must be unifying to honor that value.

“How wise they were to know that if that was our driving force, we would always try to find our common ground, stand our ground when we couldn’t. They were great people to stand their ground, but I hope that you all have a happy Fourth of July and think in unifying ways.”

Dementia is a horrible thing, isn’t it?

She must have time traveled back to the 1950s, because she sure as Hades isn’t talking about today’s Far Left Democratic Party. They are as far from the vision of our Founding Fathers and the Traditional Faith and Values of average Middle Class Americans as Rosie O’Donnell is from a can of Slim Fast.

The Democrats current desperate gambit to somehow regain power in DC, the “Abolish Ice” manufactured movement is a socialist-sponsored “Astroturf” Campaign, as authentic as Maxine Waters’ wig.

As far as being supportive of our Brightest and Best, America’s Armed Forces, during the Obama Administration the Dems used them as Guinea Pigs for Social Experimentation and as waiters at White House Functions. Obama sure didn’t sit with the Cadets at the Army/Navy Football Game like Trump did.

Another thing, “bipartisanship” to Modern Democrats means that the Republicans play dead like pack of dogs and allow Congressional Democrats to move forward with turning our Sovereign Nation into an Open Borders Socialist Paradise.

Concerning “honoring the vows of our founders”…

America’s founders were Not Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky.

Our actual founders did not create our Sovereign Nation to be governed by Mob Rule.

Our Founding Fathers, in their infinite wisdom, created this Blessed Land as a Constitutional Republic in order to provide fair and equal representation to all areas of the country, whether they be densely populated “urban” areas or sparsely populated “rural” areas.

No American’s vote is more important than somebody else’s.

When I voted down here, outside Memphis, Tennessee, in the Northwest Corner of the Magnolia State on November 8, 2016, it counted the same as your vote in one of the boroughs of New York City.

The Founders created and put in place the Electoral College in order to prevent just what you and the rest of your Fellow Travelers in the New Far left Democratic Party have been crying for since you lost the 2016 Presidential Election: a nation where its leaders are selected by mob rule in which special interest groups of a minority political philosophy join together to form a voting bloc in order to “radically change” the course of a Sovereign Nation.

In the case of Modern America Liberals, such as yourself, Congresswoman Pelosi, this would have allowed you and your Fellow Travelers to change our Constitutional Republic into a “Democratic” Socialist Nation, a form of government based on Marxist Theory which has never worked in any country in which it has been tried.

If that is the sort of country you wish to live in…move to Venezuela.

I am certain that they could use your “help”.

In closing, gentle readers, if you have wondering why you did not see anything about San Fran Nan’s idiotic comments on the day that she made them, think about it:

Why would the Main Stream Media, the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party intentionally make one of the Dem’s Congressional Leaders look bad?

Lord knows, she needs no help in doing that all by herself.

Until He Comes,


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