“Marie Antoinette” Pelosi on Americans Pushing Back Against Overstepping Governors: “It’s Really Unfortunate”


FoxNews.com reports that

In her first interview on “Fox News Sunday” since 2017, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., spoke to anchor Chris Wallace about the coronavirus pandemic and its effect on Americans.

“People are taking to the streets, pushing back against some of the more stringent restrictions in some states,” Wallace said during the interview, which is set to air Sunday on Fox News Channel. “Can you understand why they’re doing that?”

Pelosi responded: “No, not, not really because what we have to do is, is, is shelter in place. That is really the answer.”

“Testing. Tracing. Treatment. Shelter in place. And I do think that it’s unfortunate,” Pelosi told Wallace. “But, you know, people will do what they do. But the fact is, we’re all impatient. We all want out. But what they’re doing is really unfortunate.”

Around 22 million people filed for unemployment over the past month. Only essential businesses have remained open and operational during the various stay-at-home orders across the country, leaving many without work.

Protests have taken place across the U.S. the past week and on Saturday, with residents in several states calling for an end to respective stay-at-home orders.

“Really Unfortunate”.

Translation: “How dare the peasants revolt! They are interrupting my vacation and my time with my precious ice cream!”

In case you didn’t hear, Pelosi has announced that she will not be returning to Capitol Hill until May 1st.

The word “delusional” does not even begin to cover San Fran Nan’s s Superiority Complex and her tone-deafness when it comes to average Americans’ wishes.

Nancy Pelosi’s station in life defies logic.

As she has shown us for decades and this week especially, she has to be the most tone deaf aristocrat since Marie Antoinette, who, when supposedly asked about the starving rabble in France, quipped,

Let them eat cake!

For her to completely brush off the plight of America’s small business owners and employees and the overstepping of authority by Democratic Governors which has brought about these protests, does not just “strain” credulity…it stomps that sucker flat.

There are two possibilities for Pelosi’s miss judgment of the American People:

  1. She has been so sheltered from us “rabble” during all of those years up on Capitol Hill, that she simply is clueless to the daily lives of average Americans and how we feel on the issues of the day. Or…
  2. She, like the future Presidential Candidate of her political Party, Joe Biden, is a victim of galloping dementia.

The brilliant Conservative Economist, Dr. Thomas Sowell once wrote,

…Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the world envisioned by today’s liberals is that it is a world where other people just passively accept whatever “change” liberals impose. In the world of Liberal Land, you can just take for granted all the benefits of the existing society, and then simply tack on your new, wonderful ideas that will make things better.

Pelosi and her compatriots are holding up giving additional money to America’s small businesses to leverage for add-ons to the bill which will strictly be political pork to the Democrats’ handpicked special interest groups and these add-ons will have nothing to do with the Chinese Coronavirus.

Like the money they added to the Stimulus Package for the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Liberal Ideas always cost taxpayer money…and they never make things better for the average American.

President Ronald Reagan once famously said,

It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.

A quotation which also helps to explain Pelosi’s gross overestimation of the popularity of Liberal Ideals among Average Americans here in “Flyover Country”.

Pelosi’s continued denial of the fact that Americans rejected the political ideology of the Democrats and voted for change in the 2016 Presidential Election appears to be a part of an alternative reality that she and the rest of the “Special Snowflakes” who voted for Hillary Clinton and who compose the Far Left Base of the Modern Democratic Party, have transformed themselves into, considering all they have done during the past almost 3 and I/2 years since the election is to try to damage President Donald J. Trump and remove him from office by any means necessary.

The pain of their frustration is so immense over Clinton’s loss that they have created a reality in which Clinton actually beat Trump, one in which their embracing of the tenets of Marxism has won the hearts and minds of the American People.

Their undersized medulla oblongotas and oversized craniums will not allow them to accept the fact that Americans completely rejected their candidate, Hillary Clinton, and their Political Ideology on that fateful day in November.

So, they have retreated to that alternative reality, where they can feed and ride their unicorns somewhere over the rainbow and where they will find rest in their “Safe Space”.

And, if “Marie Antoinette” Pelosi and all of her cronies want to remain “sheltered in place”, let them stay there.

Average Americans want to get back to their jobs so that they can provide for their families.

Average Americans’ individual freedom means more to them than Pelosi’s room-sized freezer full of ice cream means to her.

The time to “Reopen America’s Economy Again” is at hand.

Her and her fellow members of the Democratic Elite can either help or shut up and get out of the way.

Until He Comes,


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