Jill Biden Tells CNN She Wants Michelle Obama as Joe’s VP: “I’d Love It If Michelle Would Agree to It”


FoxNews.com reports that

Former second lady Jill Biden told CNN on Friday that she’d love to see the former first lady accept a spot as running mate on her husband’s ticket.

“I’d love it if Michelle [Obama] would agree to it,” she said. “But I think she’s had it with politics. I don’t know. She’s so good at everything she does. That would be wonderful.”

Her comments came amid speculation surrounding whom former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, would choose as his running mate. Biden has pledged to choose a female running mate but it’s unclear whom that woman will be.

Like his wife, the former vice president said of Obama that he would “take her in a heartbeat.”  “She’s brilliant,” he told a Pittsburgh outlet. “She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends.”

He added, however, that he didn’t think the former first lady was interested in the position. “I don’t think she has any desire to live near the White House again,” he said.

Top Obama advisers have similarly panned the idea that she was interested, while the former first lady herself said in her memoir that she had “no intention of running for office, ever.”

Despite her lack of interest, Obama has polled extremely well. A Gallup poll from last year ranked her as the “most admired woman” for the second year in a row. Another poll last year found that Obama tied with the former vice president among Democratic voters asked about their choice of nominee.

While the former first lady has been praised by Democrats, she’s received backlash for attempting to impose stricter standards on school lunches. She also famously caught backlash for saying in 2008 that she was proud of her country for the first time.

“People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback,” she said.

Oh, Lawdy.

Didn’t “Mooch” spend enough of our money the first time around?

Is this all a set-up?

The entire nation has seen for themselves that Sleepy Joe doesn’t have both oars in the water anymore.

The poor old guy is suffering from dementia and is it getting visibly worse with each appearance.

Could the Democrat Elite plan on using Michelle Obama to drag Joe Biden across the finish line next November and then have him quit a couple of months in due to “health reasons”?

Installing the first black female president would be lauded by all of the “smartest people in the world” as something truly historic.

Average Americas would just throw up…and, with good reason.

“Mooch” doesn’t like America or average Americans.

On January 23rd, 2008, during a speech given in Columbia, South Carolina, Michelle Obama said:

We don’t like being pushed outside of our comfort zones. You know it right here on this campus. You know people sitting at different tables, y’all living in different dorms. I was there. Y’all not talking to each another, taking advantage of the fact that you’re in this diverse community because sometimes it’s easier to hold onto your own stereotypes and misconceptions, it makes you feel justified in your ignorance. That’s America. So the challenge for us is, are we ready for change?

Then, in February of 2008, while campaigning for her husband in Wisconsin, Mrs. Obama said:

Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.

And let me tell you something. I need to believe that we live in that kind of nation, where hope and possibility and unity is still what drives us.

She made the “proud” comment twice in 2 different speeches. David Axlerod, Obama’s Chief Strategist, tried to explain it away at the time, saying:

She gives this talk all the time, and I don’t think she formulates the words quite that way generally. But if you look at the whole quote and read beyond it, she was plainly talking about this burst of participation, this sense of hope, the sense of possibility and so on. And she was talking about the politics of our country.

In an article titled “The Other Obama”, published on March 10, 2008, in The New Yorker Magazine, writer Lauren Collins gives us the following insights into the Future First Lady’s true feelings about America:

The four times I heard her give the speech—in a ballroom at the University of South Carolina, from the pulpit of Pee Dee Union, at an art gallery in Charleston, and in the auditorium of St. Norbert College, in De Pere, Wisconsin—its content was admirably consistent, with few of the politician’s customary tweaks and nods to the demographic predilections, or prejudices, of a particular audience.

Obama begins with a broad assessment of life in America in 2008, and life is not good: we’re a divided country, we’re a country that is “just downright mean,” we are “guided by fear,” we’re a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. “Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I’m young. Forty-four!”

From these bleak generalities, Obama moves into specific complaints. Used to be, she will say, that you could count on a decent education in the neighborhood. But now there are all these charter schools and magnet schools that you have to “finagle” to get into. (Obama herself attended a magnet school, but never mind.) Health care is out of reach (“Let me tell you, don’t get sick in America”), pensions are disappearing, college is too expensive, and even if you can figure out a way to go to college you won’t be able to recoup the cost of the degree in many of the professions for which you needed it in the first place. “You’re looking at a young couple that’s just a few years out of debt,” Obama said. “See, because, we went to those good schools, and we didn’t have trust funds. I’m still waiting for Barack’s trust fund. Especially after I heard that Dick Cheney was s’posed to be a relative or something. Give us something here!”

Her expensive tastes, during her time as “First Lady”, which included Wagyu Beef and Lobster, her penchant for taking the most expensive vacations ever imagined by man (with larger entourages than an NBA Player), along with her attempts at telling Americans what we HAVE to feed our children and grandchildren, and how we should be raising them, did not exactly endear herself to the overwhelming majority of Americans.

Especially when she started telling us how to feed our children and grandchildren…

Past First Ladies always took a cause to tackle during their husbands’ terms.

Usually, it was a non-intrusive cause such as literacy or combating hunger in America.

Not, in the case of our globe-trotting (on our dime) Former First Lady, “Mooch” Obama. Under the guise of battling Childhood Obesity, she decided to sic the food police on America’s school menus, turning our children into the Liberal Administrations’ own personal lab rats and overruling the parental authority of the average American Family.

Mrs. Obama eventually had to adjust her diet plan, because children were not receiving enough nourishment from her Diet Plan and literally falling out by the middle of the afternoon.

In response to this danger to the health of their students, several school systems across the nation told the First Lady what she could do with her non-nutritious Diet Plan, including the Liberal Bastion of New York State!

Most of the other First Ladies in my 61 years, such as our current one, Melania Trump, have brought a certain degree of class and decorum to their unelected position as “FLOTUS”.

Hillary Clinton being a notable exception.

Where that woman spits, grass never grows again.

But, I digress…

First Lady Melania Trump speaks six different languages fluently and came here on a special Visa which they call the “Einstein” Visa. Plus, she always presents herself as an asset to our nation in public.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama thinks decorum is something you do to a room.

God forbid that she decides to join Joe Biden as his running mate on the Democrat Ticket.

Before the Chinese Coronavirus hit, thanks to President Trump, America was well into the process of recovering from the last Obama to hold that office.

The Wuhan Flu was a big enough setback.

Putting the Obamas back in office would dig an economic hole America might never recover from.

Trump/Pence 2020

Until He Comes,




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